Compete against your friends in predicting all the sporting events going on. The more you predict you more you stand to gain, or lose!!!
This is phonegap app, using angular and Onsen UI. It is an offline first app using pouchDB and syncs to a couchDB hosted on
- Install node.js version
$ npm install -g phonegap
$ npm install -g bower
$ bower install
$ cd app
$ phonegap serve
$ cd app
$ phonegap build android #apk file goes to app/platforms/android
$ phonegap build ios #on an ios environment only
- stop making 2 predictions on 1 match, and bubble prediction information to fixture if one is made
- prediction/match details page - should be same as match but with prediction on it.
- oauth angular implementation
- lock down all prediction requests with authorize
- style list and details pages