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debugging the cut-cell moment calculation
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jehicken committed Jan 11, 2024
1 parent cfb20cc commit 3671fd9
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Showing 5 changed files with 249 additions and 6 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/mesh.jl
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Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,15 @@ function is_cut(rect::HyperRectangle{Dim,T}, levset::LevelSet{Dim,T}
return false
# element may be cut
# findclosest! either has a bug or is not robust
# x = zeros(Dim)
# if findclosest!(x, xc, levset)
# L = norm(x - xc)
# end
if abs(ls) > norm(dx)
# todo: this only works if ls is a true distance function
return false
return true
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/norm.jl
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Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ function calc_moments(root::Cell{Data, Dim, T, L}, levset::LevelSet{Dim,T},
elseif is_cut(cell)
# this cell *may* be cut; use Saye's algorithm
wq_cut, xq_cut, surf_wts, surf_pts = calc_cut_quad(
cell.boundary, safe_clevset, degree+1, fit_degree=2*degree)
cell.boundary, safe_clevset, degree+1, fit_degree=degree+1)
# consider resizing 1D arrays here, if need larger
for I in CartesianIndices(xq_cut)
xq_cut[I] = (xq_cut[I] - xavg[I[1]])/dx[I[1]] - 0.5
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ function cell_quadrature(degree, xc, xq, wq, ::Val{Dim}) where {Dim}
upper = maximum([real.(xc) real.(xq)], dims=2)
dx = upper - lower
xavg = 0.5*(upper + lower)
xavg .*= 0.0
# xavg .*= 0.0
dx[:] .*= 1.001
xc_trans = zero(xc)
for I in CartesianIndices(xc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ function cell_quadrature(degree, xc::AbstractArray{ComplexF64,2}, xq, wq,
upper = maximum([real.(xc) real.(xq)], dims=2)
dx = upper - lower
xavg = 0.5*(upper + lower)
xavg .*= 0.0
#xavg .*= 0.0
dx[:] .*= 1.001
xc_trans = zero(xc)
for I in CartesianIndices(xc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ function cell_quadrature_rev!(xc_bar, degree, xc, xq, wq, w_bar, ::Val{Dim}
upper = maximum([real.(xc) real.(xq)], dims=2)
dx = upper - lower
xavg = 0.5*(upper + lower)
xavg .*= 0.0
#xavg .*= 0.0
dx[:] .*= 1.001
xc_trans = zero(xc)
for I in CartesianIndices(xc)
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173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions test/moment-debug.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
module MomentDebug

using CutDGD
using Test
using RegionTrees
using StaticArrays: SVector, @SVector, MVector
using LinearAlgebra
using Random
using LevelSets
using CxxWrap
using SparseArrays
using PyPlot
using CutQuad

# Following StaticArrays approach of using repeatable "random" tests

plot = false
degree = 3
Dim = 3

# use a unit HyperRectangle
root = Cell(SVector(ntuple(i -> 0.0, Dim)),
SVector(ntuple(i -> 1.0, Dim)),
CellData(Vector{Int}(), Vector{Int}()))

if false
# define a level-set that cuts the HyperRectangle
num_basis = 1
xc = 0.5*ones(Dim, num_basis)
xc[1, 1] = 1/pi
nrm = zeros(Dim, num_basis)
nrm[1, 1] = 1.0/sqrt(2)
nrm[2, 1] = 1.0/sqrt(2)
tang = zeros(Dim, Dim-1, num_basis)
tang[:, :, 1] = nullspace(reshape(nrm[:, 1], 1, Dim))
crv = zeros(Dim-1, num_basis)
# define a level-set for a circle
num_basis = 128 #256
#xc = zeros(Dim, num_basis)
xc = randn(Dim, num_basis)
nrm = zero(xc)
tang = zeros(Dim, Dim-1, num_basis)
crv = zeros(Dim-1, num_basis)
R = 1/3
for i = 1:num_basis
# theta = 2*pi*(i-1)/(num_basis-1)
# xc[:,i] = R*[cos(theta); sin(theta)] + [0.5;0.5]
# nrm[:,i] = [cos(theta); sin(theta)]
nrm[:,i] = xc[:,i]/norm(xc[:,i])
xc[:,i] = R*nrm[:,i] + 0.5*ones(Dim) #[0.5;0.5]
tang[:,:,i] = nullspace(reshape(nrm[:, i], 1, Dim))
crv[:,i] .= 1/R
rho = 100.0*num_basis
levset = LevelSet{Dim,Float64}(xc, nrm, tang, crv, rho)

# Generate some DGD dof locations used to refine the background mesh
num_nodes = 10*binomial(Dim + degree, Dim)
points = rand(Dim, num_nodes)
CutDGD.refine_on_points!(root, points)
CutDGD.mark_cut_cells!(root, levset)

num_cell = CutDGD.num_leaves(root)
cell_xavg = zeros(Dim, num_cell)
cell_dx = ones(Dim, num_cell) #zero(cell_xavg)
for (c,cell) in enumerate(allleaves(root))
cell_xavg[:,c] = center(cell)
cell_dx[:,c] = 2*cell.boundary.widths

num_basis = binomial(Dim + degree, Dim)
moments = zeros(num_basis, num_cell)

# get arrays/data used for tensor-product quadrature
x1d, w1d = CutDGD.lg_nodes(degree+1) # could also use lgl_nodes
num_quad = length(w1d)^Dim
wq = zeros(num_quad)
xq = zeros(Dim, num_quad)
Vq = zeros(num_quad, num_basis)
workq = zeros((Dim+1)*num_quad)

# set up the level-set function for passing to calc_cut_quad below
const mod_levset = Ref{Any}()
mod_levset[] = levset
safe_clevset = @safe_cfunction(
x -> evallevelset(x, mod_levset[]), Cdouble, (Vector{Float64},)
#safe_clevset = @safe_cfunction(
# x -> norm(x - 0.5*ones(Dim)) - R, Cdouble, (Vector{Float64},)

if plot
fig = figure("quad_points",figsize=(10,10))
# plot the cells
for leaf in allleaves(root)
v = hcat(collect(vertices(leaf.boundary))...)
PyPlot.plot(v[1,[1,2,4,3,1]], v[2,[1,2,4,3,1]], "-k")
theta = range(0, stop=2*pi, length=101) #LinRange(0, 2*pi, 100)
PyPlot.plot(R*cos.(theta) .+ 0.5, R*sin.(theta) .+ 0.5, "--r")
#PyPlot.plot([xc[1,1]; ], [0; 2*xc[1,1]], "--r")

PyPlot.plot(xc[1,:], xc[2,:], "go")

for (c, cell) in enumerate(allleaves(root))
xavg = view(cell_xavg, :, c)
dx = view(cell_dx, :, c)
println("xavg = ",xavg, ": dx = ",dx)
# do not integrate cells that have been confirmed immersed
if plot
PyPlot.plot([xavg[1]], [xavg[2]], "ro")
elseif CutDGD.is_cut(cell)
println("\tuse Saye's algorithm")
# this cell *may* be cut; use Saye's algorithm
wq_cut, xq_cut, surf_wts, surf_pts = calc_cut_quad(
cell.boundary, safe_clevset, degree+1, fit_degree=degree+1)
println("\tnumber quad points = ",length(wq_cut))
if plot
PyPlot.plot(xq_cut[1,:], xq_cut[2,:], "bs", ms=4)
# consider resizing 1D arrays here, if need larger
for I in CartesianIndices(xq_cut)
xq_cut[I] = (xq_cut[I] - xavg[I[1]])/dx[I[1]] - 0.5
Vq_cut = zeros(length(wq_cut), num_basis)
workq_cut = zeros((Dim+1)*length(wq_cut))
CutDGD.poly_basis!(Vq_cut, degree, xq_cut, workq_cut, Val(Dim))
for i = 1:num_basis
moments[i, c] = dot(Vq_cut[:,i], wq_cut)
println("\tnot immeresed, not cut")
# this cell is not cut; use a tensor-product quadrature to integrate
# Wait, these are always the same for uncut cells!!!
# Precompute
CutDGD.quadrature!(xq, wq, cell.boundary, x1d, w1d)
if plot
PyPlot.plot(xq[1,:], xq[2,:], "ks", ms=4)
for I in CartesianIndices(xq)
xq[I] = (xq[I] - xavg[I[1]])/dx[I[1]] - 0.5
CutDGD.poly_basis!(Vq, degree, xq, workq, Val(Dim))
for i = 1:num_basis
moments[i, c] = dot(Vq[:,i], wq)


# check that (scaled) zero-order moments sum to cut-domain volume scaled
# by the constant basis
vol = 0.0
for (c,cell) in enumerate(allleaves(root))
global vol += moments[1,c]
tet_vol = 2^Dim/factorial(Dim)
basis_val = 1/sqrt(tet_vol)
vol /= basis_val

println("vol = ",vol)
println("true vol = ",1 - (4/3)*pi*R^3)

end #module
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ Random.seed!(42)

@testset "CutDGD.jl" begin

@testset "test diagonal norm routines" begin
@testset "test norm routines" begin

if false
Expand Down
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions test/test_diag_norm.jl → test/test_norm.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,67 @@ end
@test isapprox(vol, 1 - 1/pi, atol=1e-10)

# sphere_vol computes the volume of the Dim dimensional hypersphere
function sphere_vol(r, ::Val{Dim}) where {Dim}
return 2*pi*r^2*sphere_vol(r, Val(Dim-2))/Dim
sphere_vol(r, ::Val{0}) = 1
sphere_vol(r, ::Val{1}) = 2*r

@testset "test calc_moments (sphere): dimension $Dim, degree $degree" for Dim in 2:3, degree in 1:4

# use a unit HyperRectangle
root = Cell(SVector(ntuple(i -> 0.0, Dim)),
SVector(ntuple(i -> 1.0, Dim)),
CellData(Vector{Int}(), Vector{Int}()))

# define a level-set for a circle
num_basis = 2*4^Dim
xc = randn(Dim, num_basis)
nrm = zero(xc)
tang = zeros(Dim, Dim-1, num_basis)
crv = zeros(Dim-1, num_basis)
R = 1/3
for i = 1:num_basis
#theta = 2*pi*(i-1)/(num_basis-1)
#xc[:,i] = R*[cos(theta); sin(theta)] + [0.5;0.5]
#nrm[:,i] = [cos(theta); sin(theta)]
nrm[:,i] = xc[:,i]/norm(xc[:,i])
xc[:,i] = nrm[:,i]*R + 0.5*ones(Dim)
tang[:,:,i] = nullspace(reshape(nrm[:, i], 1, Dim))
crv[:,i] .= 1/R
rho = 100.0*num_basis
levset = LevelSet{Dim,Float64}(xc, nrm, tang, crv, rho)

# Generate some DGD dof locations used to refine the background mesh
num_nodes = 10*binomial(Dim + degree, Dim)
points = rand(Dim, num_nodes)
CutDGD.refine_on_points!(root, points)
CutDGD.mark_cut_cells!(root, levset)

num_cells = CutDGD.num_leaves(root)
cell_xavg = zeros(Dim, num_cells)
cell_dx = ones(Dim, num_cells) #zero(cell_xavg)
for (c,cell) in enumerate(allleaves(root))
cell_xavg[:,c] = center(cell)
cell_dx[:,c] = 2*cell.boundary.widths
m = CutDGD.calc_moments(root, levset, degree, cell_xavg, cell_dx)

# check that (scaled) zero-order moments sum to cut-domain volume scaled
# by the constant basis
vol = 0.0
for (c,cell) in enumerate(allleaves(root))
vol += m[1,c]
tet_vol = 2^Dim/factorial(Dim)
basis_val = 1/sqrt(tet_vol)
vol /= basis_val

@test isapprox(vol, 1 - sphere_vol(R, Val(Dim)) , rtol=0.01)

@testset "test cell_quadrature: dimension $Dim, degree $degree" for Dim in 1:3, degree in 0:4
num_basis = binomial(Dim + degree, Dim)
num_nodes = num_basis
Expand Down

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