This package implements the level-set formula described in Hicken J. and Kaur S., "An Explicit Level-Set Formula to Approximate Geometries," Proceedings of the AIAA 2022 SciTech Forum. Please see the paper and/or the video for further details.
This is an unregistered package, so you will need to follow these steps from the Julia documentation to add LevelSets.jl
The tests in test/runtestss.jl
offer some examples of how to use the package. The following module provides a model application to the ellipsoid that might be helpful. You will need the WriteVTK
and PyPlot
packages to run the functions in this example.
module Ellipsoid
using WriteVTK
using LinearAlgebra
using LevelSets
using PyPlot
export plotEllipsoid, ellipsoidConverge
kappa1, kappa2, lambda1, lambda2 = principals(E, F, G, L, M, N)
Compute the principal curvatures, `kappa1` and `kappa2`, and principal
directions, `lambda1` and `lambda2`, using the first- and second-
fundamental forms.
function principals(E::Float64, F::Float64, G::Float64, L::Float64,
M::Float64, N::Float64, )
denom_fac = 1/(E*G - F^2)
K = (L*N - M^2)*denom_fac
H = (E*N + G*L -2*F*M)*denom_fac/2.0
kappa1 = H + sqrt(H^2 - K)
kappa2 = H - sqrt(H^2 - K)
lambda1 = ones(2)
lambda2 = ones(2)
tol = 1e-10
if abs(N - kappa1*G) > tol
lambda1[2] = - (M - kappa1*F)/(N - kappa1*G)
elseif abs(M - kappa1*F) > tol
lambda1[2] = - (L - kappa1*E)/(M - kappa1*F)
lambda1[2] = 1.0
lambda1[1] = 0.0
if abs(N - kappa2*G) > tol
lambda2[2] = - (M - kappa2*F)/(N - kappa2*G)
elseif abs(M - kappa2*F) > tol
lambda2[2] = - (L - kappa2*E)/(M - kappa2*F)
lambda2[2] = 1.0
lambda2[1] = 0.0
return kappa1, kappa2, lambda1, lambda2
plotEllipsoid(numu, numv, rhofactor[, quad=false, a=2.0, b=0.5, c=1.0])
Create a LSF for the ellipsoid (with axes lengths `a`, `b`, and `c`), and save a VTK file of it for visualization.
function plotEllipsoid(numu::Int, numv::Int, rhofactor::Float64;
quad::Bool=false, a::Float64=2.0, b::Float64=0.5,
# sample the ellipsoid to get the centers and frame
numbasis = numu*numv
xc = zeros(3, numbasis)
nrm = zero(xc)
tang = zeros(3, 2, numbasis)
crv = zeros(2, numbasis)
min_min = 1e100
max_max = 0.0
max_ratio = 0.0
for i = 1:numu
u = 2*pi*(i-0.5)/numu
for j = 1:numv
v = pi*(j-0.5)/numv
n = numv*(i-1) + j
xc[:, n] = [a*cos(u)*sin(v); b*sin(u)*sin(v); -c*cos(v)]
du = [-a*sin(u)*sin(v); b*cos(u)*sin(v); 0.0]
dv = [a*cos(u)*cos(v); b*sin(u)*cos(v); c*sin(v)]
du2 = [-a*cos(u)*sin(v); -b*sin(u)*sin(v); 0.0]
dv2 = [-a*cos(u)*sin(v); -b*sin(u)*sin(v); c*cos(v)]
dudv = [-a*sin(u)*cos(v); b*cos(u)*cos(v); 0.0]
nrm[:, n] = cross(du, dv)
fac = 1/norm(nrm[:,n])
# compute the terms for the first and second fundamental forms
E = dot(du, du)
F = dot(du, dv)
G = dot(dv, dv)
L = dot(du2, nrm[:,n])*fac
M = dot(dudv, nrm[:,n])*fac
N = dot(dv2, nrm[:,n])*fac
# compute the principal curvatures/directions
kappa1, kappa2, lambda1, lambda2 = principals(E, F, G, L, M, N)
tang[:,1,n] = lambda1[1]*du + lambda1[2]*dv
tang[:,2,n] = lambda2[1]*du + lambda2[2]*dv
println("E, F, G, L, M, N = ",E,", ",F,", ",G,", ",L,", ",M,", ",N)
println("tang1 dot tang2 = ", dot(tang[:,1,n], tang[:,2,n]))
@assert( abs(dot(tang[:,1,n], tang[:,2,n])) < 1e-9,
"tangents are not orthogonal!" )
if quad
crv[1,n] = -kappa1
crv[2,n] = -kappa2
global max_ratio = max(max_ratio, abs(kappa1/kappa2), abs(kappa2/kappa1))
global min_min = min(min_min, abs(kappa1), abs(kappa2))
global max_max = max(max_max, abs(kappa1), abs(kappa2))
crv[1,n] = 0.0
crv[2,n] = 0.0
println("miniumum prin. curvature = ", min_min)
println("maximum prin. curvature = ",max_max)
println("max curvature ratio = ",max_ratio)
# construct the LevelSet
rho = rhofactor*convert(Float64, numu)
levset = LevelSet{3,Float64}(xc, nrm, tang, crv, rho)
# write the centers to a file
centers = Vector{MeshCell{VTKCellType, Vector{Int64}}}(undef, levset.numbasis)
for i = 1:levset.numbasis
centers[i] = MeshCell(VTKCellTypes.VTK_VERTEX, [i])
normal = view(levset.frame, :, 1, :)
saved_files = vtk_grid("centers.vtu", levset.xcenter, centers) do vtk
vtk["normal"] = normal
# Next, we make a fine mesh in (u,v) space for plotting in Paraview
numu = 1200
numv = 1200
numvert = numu*numv
function getvertex(i, j)
return numv*(j-1) + i
# get the points making up the vtk triangles
points = zeros(3, numvert)
for i = 1:numu
u = 2*pi*(i-1)/(numu-1)
for j = 1:numv
v = pi*(j-1)/(numv-1)
n = getvertex(i, j)
x0 = [a*cos(u)*sin(v); b*sin(u)*sin(v); c*cos(v)]
snappoint!(view(points,:,n), x0, levset, tol=1e-8, max_newton=50,
# define the triangles
numcell = 2*(numu-1)*(numv-1)
cells = Vector{MeshCell{VTKCellType, Vector{Int64}}}(undef, numcell)
for i = 1:numu-1
for j = 1:numv-1
n = (numv-1)*(j-1) + i
connect = [getvertex(i,j), getvertex(i+1,j), getvertex(i,j+1)]
cells[n] = MeshCell(VTKCellTypes.VTK_TRIANGLE, connect)
n += (numu-1)*(numv-1)
connect = [getvertex(i+1,j+1), getvertex(i,j+1), getvertex(i+1,j)]
cells[n] = MeshCell(VTKCellTypes.VTK_TRIANGLE, connect)
# save the vtk unstructured grid file
saved_files = vtk_grid("ellipse.vtu", points, cells) do vtk
# add datasets here...nothing to add in this case
ellipsoidConverge([a=2.0, b=0.5, c=1.0])
Run the ellipsoid convergence study from the paper.
function ellipsoidConverge(;a::Float64=2.0, b::Float64=0.5, c::Float64=1.0)
# set the points used to measure error
numu, numv = 1200, 1200
numpts = numu*numv
x = zeros(3, numpts)
ptr = 1
for i = 1:numu
u = 2*pi*(i-0.5)/numu
for j = 1:numv
v = pi*(j-0.5)/numv
x[:,ptr] = [a*cos(u)*sin(v); b*sin(u)*sin(v); c*cos(v)]
ptr += 1
res = zeros(size(x,2))
numu = [10, 20, 40, 80, 160]
rhofactor = [1, 10]
l2err = zeros(size(numu,1), size(rhofactor,1))
l2err_ho = zeros(size(numu,1), size(rhofactor,1))
for (k, nu) in enumerate(numu)
# set basis centers and normals
numbasis = nu*nu
xc = zeros(3, numbasis)
nrm = zeros(3, numbasis)
tang = zeros(3, 2, numbasis)
crv = zeros(2, numbasis)
ptr = 1
for i = 1:nu
u = 2*pi*(i-0.5)/nu
for j = 1:nu
v = pi*(j-0.5)/nu
xc[:, ptr] = [a*cos(u)*sin(v); b*sin(u)*sin(v); -c*cos(v)]
du = [-a*sin(u)*sin(v); b*cos(u)*sin(v); 0.0]
dv = [a*cos(u)*cos(v); b*sin(u)*cos(v); c*sin(v)]
du2 = [-a*cos(u)*sin(v); -b*sin(u)*sin(v); 0.0]
dv2 = [-a*cos(u)*sin(v); -b*sin(u)*sin(v); c*cos(v)]
dudv = [-a*sin(u)*cos(v); b*cos(u)*cos(v); 0.0]
nrm[:,ptr] = cross(du, dv)
fac = 1/norm(nrm[:,ptr])
# compute the terms for the first and second fundamental forms
E = dot(du, du)
F = dot(du, dv)
G = dot(dv, dv)
L = dot(du2, nrm[:,ptr])*fac
M = dot(dudv, nrm[:,ptr])*fac
N = dot(dv2, nrm[:,ptr])*fac
# compute principal curvatures/directions
kappa1, kappa2, lambda1, lambda2 = principals(E, F, G, L, M, N)
tang[:,1,ptr] = lambda1[1]*du + lambda1[2]*dv
tang[:,2,ptr] = lambda2[1]*du + lambda2[2]*dv
crv[1,ptr] = -kappa1
crv[2,ptr] = -kappa2
ptr += 1
for (j, r) in enumerate(rhofactor)
rho = r*convert(Float64, nu)
# linear approximation
levset = LevelSet{3,Float64}(xc, nrm, tang, zeros(size(crv)), rho)
LevelSets.residual!(res, x, levset)
l2err[k,j] = sqrt(dot(res,res)/numpts)
println("Linear: L2 integral norm = ",l2err[k,j])
# quadratic approximation
levset = LevelSet{3,Float64}(xc, nrm, tang, crv, rho)
LevelSets.residual!(res, x, levset)
l2err_ho[k,j] = sqrt(dot(res,res)/numpts)
println("Quadratic: L2 integral norm = ",l2err_ho[k,j])
linear_style = ["-ro", "--ro", ":ro"]
quad_style = ["-ks", "--ks", ":ks"]
for (j, r) in enumerate(rhofactor)
label = L"linear: $\rho/\sqrt{n_{\Gamma}} = " * string(r) * L"$"
PyPlot.plot(numu, l2err[:,j], linear_style[j], linewidth=1,
markersize=4, label=label)
for (j, r) in enumerate(rhofactor)
label = L"quadratic: $\rho/\sqrt{n_{\Gamma}} = " * string(r) * L"$"
PyPlot.plot(numu, l2err_ho[:,j], quad_style[j], linewidth=1,
PyPlot.gca().axis([5, 200, 1e-7, 0.1])
PyPlot.gca().set_position([0.12, 0.17, 0.5, 0.8])
PyPlot.gca().grid(which="major", linestyle=":")
PyPlot.xlabel(L"$\sqrt{n_{\Gamma}}$", labelpad=4, fontsize=10)
PyPlot.ylabel("RMS Error", labelpad=12, fontsize=10)
PyPlot.gca().legend(loc=(1.1, 0.0), handlelength=4, labelspacing=1,
PyPlot.savefig("ellipsoid-converge.png", dpi=300, transparent=true)
end # module Ellipsoid