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Configuring settings and databases

Jelle Siderius edited this page Aug 8, 2024 · 20 revisions

Configuring settings

in the file config/settings.json you can find the settings that will be used for the tool.This file must contain the following placeholders:

  • localDomainExtension is the extension used on your local development environment. (Required for import)
  • elasticsearchPort is the port that ElasticSearch is using on your development environment (Required for import)
  • databaseLocation is full path to a folder where the database will be downloaded, if import functionality is not used. (Required)
  • keyLocation the full path to your SSH private key. If empty, mage-db-sync tries to find the SSH key on your machine by a default path. (Optional)
  • passphrase is needed if your SSH key has a passphrase (Optional)
  • adminUsername is used when configuring a default admin user & dummy customer (Required for import)
  • adminPassword is used when configuring a default admin user & dummy customer (Required for import)
  • adminEmailAddress is used when configuring a default admin user & dummy customer (Required for import)
  "general": {
    "localDomainExtension": ".development",
    "elasticsearchPort": "9200",
    "databaseLocation": "/Users/{username}/Databases"
  "ssh": {
    "keyLocation": "{full path to SSH key folder}",
    "passphrase": "{optional passphrase for SSH}"
  "magentoBackend": {
    "adminUsername": "admin",
    "adminPassword": "Password1!",
    "adminEmailAddress": "[email protected]"

Configuring databases

in the files config/databases/production.json and config/databases/staging.json all the databases are configured. These files must contain the following placeholders:

  • username-1-placeholder can be replaced with a name by choice, this is used as a key for the tool (Required)
  • username is the ssh username to log in to the server (Required)
  • password is the ssh password that goes with the ssh username. (Optional if there is no password required for the SSH user)
  • server is the server(host) to log in to (Required)
  • domainFolder is domain folder on the server. This can be overwritten by using externalProjectFolder and specifying it's full path to the root of Magento. (Required)
  • port the server port (Required)
  • localProjectFolder is the local Magento root folder (Optional)
  • externalProjectFolder is the external Magento root folder (Optional)
  • externalPhpPath is the PHP path on the server, use this if the logged in user has a different PHP version than the server's PHP version (Optional)
  • localProjectUrl can be used to define the local development URL which will be used when configuring the database. By default the URL will be projct folder name + localDomainExtension(from settings.json)' (Optional)
  • [EXPERIMENTAL]: wordpress can be set to true/false to synchronize wordpress database (Optional)
  • commandsFolder is used to run custom commands while configuring the project. If used, it will look for magerun2.txt or database.txt within the given folder (Optional)
  • [EXPERIMENTAL]: stagingUsername can be used in config/databases/production.json to point to the placeholder key of a staging database in config/databases/staging.json. It when then give you the option to synchronise a production database to staging
  • sshKeyName can be used to set a different key than the default configured in config/settings.json. It will search for the key in ~/.ssh

The config/databases/staging.json or config/databases/production.json file has to look like this:

    "databases": {
        "production-username-1-placeholder": {
            "username": "example1",
            "password": "",
            "server": "",
            "domainFolder": "",
            "port": "2222",
            "localProjectFolder": "",
            "externalProjectFolder": "",
            "externalPhpPath": "",
            "localProjectUrl": "example1.development",
            "wordpress": false,
            "commandsFolder": "commands/example-project",
            "stagingUsername": "staging-username-1-placeholder",
            "sshKeyName": "id_ed25519, will search in ~/ssh/"
        "production-username-2-placeholder": {
            "username": "example2",
            "password": "",
            "server": "",
            "domainFolder": "",
            "port": "2222",
            "localProjectFolder": "",
            "externalProjectFolder": "",
            "externalPhpPath": "",
            "localProjectUrl": "example2.development",
            "wordpress": false,
            "commandsFolder": "commands/example-project",
            "stagingUsername": "staging-username-2-placeholder",
            "sshKeyName": "id_ed25519, will search in ~/ssh/"

Using project commands

If your project is configured with a "commandsFolder", mage-db-sync will look for database.txt or magerun2.txt relative to the config/databases folder. Make sure to use the quotes given in example:


UPDATE core_config_data SET `value` = "" WHERE `path` = "web/unsecure/base_url";
UPDATE core_config_data SET `value` = "" WHERE `path` = "web/secure/base_url";


magerun2 sys:cron:run sitemap_generate;
magerun2 sys:cron:run consumers_runner;