A self driving car needs to be able to navigate a road using computer vision. In this project we develop a vehicle detection system. Many aspects of OpenCV, python, numpy, and matplotlib are used to develop the vehicle detection system. The jupyter notebook can be found here VehicleDetection.ipynb
The following steps are used to run the pipeline:
Install jupyter notebook environment and packages
$ https://conda.io/miniconda.html
Clone the Vehicle Dectection git repository
$ git clone https://github.com/jfoshea/Vehicle-Detection.git
enable cardnd-term1 virtualenv
$ source activate carnd-term1
Run the Pipeline
$ jupyter notebook VehicleDetection.ipynb
The output videos are: [output_test_video.mp4] (https://github.com/jfoshea/Vehicle-Detection/blob/master/output_test_video.mp4) [output_project_video.mp4] (https://github.com/jfoshea/Vehicle-Detection/blob/master/output_project_video.mp4)
A detailed writeup are located here [writeup] (https://github.com/jfoshea/Vehicle-Detection/blob/master/writeup.md)