"Discover Your Next Job: Every Opportunity, One Easy Platform."
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Jobly Backend Repo
Table of Contents
Jobly is a job board site. Users are able to sign up, log in, browse companies, and apply for jobs. This project was originally built in January 2024 during a 4-day sprint at Rithm School.
Jobly is a full-stack Javascript application and was built with a React frontend that uses Bootstrap for styling and deployed through Render. For the backend, it uses Express with Postgres database. The deployed backend is hosted on Render and the database is hosted on ElephantSQL.
This repo is the frontend but you can find the backend code here.
You can log into the demo site with the following credentials:
- Username:
- Password:
This project offered learning opportunities around:
- React component design
- React state management and context
- React Router
- Token retrieval via localStorage
- Implementing debounce method on search bar
- Authentication and authorization with middleware and JWT tokens
- Protection against SQL injection attacks via parameterized queries
- Building RESTful APIs
- Form validation with JSON schemas
- Test-driven development and coverage
- Bcrypt hashing
To get a local copy up and running, please follow these steps.
- Follow the instructions for cloning and setting up the backend repo.
- In a new terminal, clone the frontend repo.
git clone https://github.com/jgan21/react-jobly.git
- Install frontend dependencies.
npm install
- Run the app in the development mode.
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
- Add user profile page with options to edit profile
- Add a "forgot password" feature
- Add feature to allow users to apply for jobs
Project Link (Frontend): https://github.com/jgan21/react-jobly
Project Link (Backend): https://github.com/jgan21/jobly-backend
Live Demo: https://www.jobly.jiaronggan.com/
- Brandie Lucano : Frontend Co-author
- Seth Hobson: Backend Co-author
This project was completed at Rithm School. Many thanks to Brandie Lucano, Seth Hobson, and Rithm's staff team for their support!