This project aims to check other project directories with a set of rules. It uses python 2.7, nosetest 2.7, and PyYaml.
Check a project:
In this case it will look for a file named walker.conf in the project directory. There are options to set different config files and project directories.
Run tests
./walker test
Configuration syntax is in YAML.
authors: Authors
- FileExistsChecker:
- '%{project_path}/project-walker-core1'
- '/project-walker-core2'
- 'project-walker-core3'
- ''
- FileContainsChecker:
files: '*.py'
contains: ["Copyright %authors"]
The keys of the config are longest token matched, case and the characters -_ are ignored. So one can write f instead of files.
In this section one can list the rules, which are used to check a project. It begins with the name of a check. Each checker has different configuration options, and each supports interpolation on different options. Generally it can be sad that the files option does not support interpolation just globbing expressions.
This is an optional section.
Here one can define variables used below in the configuration.
Syntax for embedding variables is as follows:
Variable embedding supports substring and search and replace operations as well:
%identifier:2 # from second character on
%identifier:2:3 # from second character two third
%{identifier:foo:bar} # replace foo to bar in string
Additional to the user defined variables there are several other pre defined variables:
project - name of the project directory
project_path - full path of the project
file_name - file name with extension
name - file name without extension
extension - surprise, surprise :)
path - path to file
full_path - full path with file name
type - d / f depending whether file is a directory or not
Checks whether the files listed in requiredFiles exist. The option supports interpolation. If a path expression starts with / it is taken for the project root so these two are equivalent:
The path expression support globbing as well:
The checker support a count option. The required files need to be present so many times in the project. Default is one. The count must be matched exactly.
Checks whether files in matches contain the strings in contains. The contains option supports interpolation. Both matches, and contains support lists or plain strings.
Setting the caseSensitive option to false turns off case sensitive matching.
Checks whether the file name of files matches pattern in matches.
Checks whether the properties of files holds true to the settings:
- encoding - utf8
- lineEnding - unix
- whitespace - space
- trailingWhitespace - false
- lineLength - 120
Checks files with command. The command has to be written in with full path. The command supports interpolation. The check fails if the command returns with a non-zero return code, the messages from the command are printed in the full report.
files: '*.xml'
command: /usr/bin/xmllint %full_path
Files can be included with files excluded with excludeFiles.
Code is formatted with PythonTidy.
- John Kliff Jochens
- Tamás Eppel
All files licensed under the 3-clause BSD license, full text see in LICENSE.
2011, Authors