This is an implementation of the transformer architecture, combined with using SentencePiece for the text processing.
To get the summarizer to work one first has to install requiered libraries and run some preprocessings
Besides Python 3.x and tensorflow 1.3 following libraries are additionally requiered, run the following commands in your shell
pip install sentencepiece sacrebleu numpy tqdm
The default for all following instructions is to have the project folder as cd.
First run the following commands
mkdir ./data ./ckpt ./log ./results
In the next step download the german-english corpus from
and unpack it into the folder data so that the path is /data/de-eng
Run the following code to do all requiered preprocessing. Parameters can be adjused in the file
cd .code/
to train the transformer simply run the following lines of code in the terminal. Again, parameters can be adjused in the file.
cd .code/
change the "trial" in the paramaters dictionary in to the the ckpt you want to load. if you trained a model with trial = transformer, the first checkpoint would be transformer0. then run in terminal
cd .code/
the results will be automatically saved in the folder results.
to evaluate the output of the inference by caluclating the bleu score, just run the following lines in terminal
cd ./results
cat tf_norm_pred.txt | sacrebleu testset.txt