Convenient functions for moving files, deleting directories, and a variety of string operations that facilitate manipulating file names and extracting information from strings.
To install the release version (recommended) from CRAN, in R, enter
To install the development version, in R, first install devtools
. Then enter
First let’s load the library:
#> Loading required package: stringr
I find it bizarre that base R has no file.move
. To move a file, you
have to unintuitively rename it. filesstrings
file.move(files, destinations)
. This function has the nice feature
that if you try to move files to a directory that doesn’t exist, it
creates the directory first and then puts the files inside. Let’s create
a directory and a file:
#> [1] TRUE
Now let’s put the file into the directory:
file.move("tmp.txt", "tmp_dir")
#> 1 file moved. 0 failed.
To delete directories with base R, one has to use unlink(..., recursive = TRUE)
. The filesstrings
package gives you dir.remove()
which does
the same job.
#> 1 directory deleted. 0 failed to delete.
“A space in your file name is a hole in your soul.” - Jenny Bryan
remove_filename_spaces(replacement = "_")
replaces them all with
underscores for all files in a directory. By default, they are replaced
with nothing.
file.create(c("file 1.txt", "file 2.txt"))
#> [1] TRUE TRUE
remove_filename_spaces(pattern = "txt$", replacement = "_")
#> 2 files required renaming and this was done successfully.
list.files(pattern = "txt$")
#> [1] "file_1.txt" "file_2.txt"
file.remove(list.files(pattern = "txt$")) # clean up
#> [1] TRUE TRUE
I often want to get the first, last or nth number in a string.
pop <- "A population of 1000 comprised of 488 dogs and 512 cats."
nth_number(pop, n = 1)
#> [1] 1000
nth_number(pop, n = -1) # last number
#> [1] 512
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 1000 488 512
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "A population of " " comprised of " " dogs and "
#> [4] " cats."
’s str_trim
just trims whitespace. What if you want to trim
something else? Now you can trim_anything()
trim_anything("__rmarkdown_", "_")
#> [1] "rmarkdown"
Contributions to this package are welcome. The preferred method of contribution is through a github pull request. Feel free to contact me by creating an issue. Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.