A plugin that assists in building in an environment where the shared repo is behind a VPN.
This plugin is very simple. It will try to ping a server before any artifacts are checked. If that server cannot be pinged, gradle.startParameter.offline will be set to true.
The plugin can be configured with the following parameters:
- vpn.baseUrl - the URL to to ping when configurations incoming dependencies are to be resolved.
- vpn.pingTimeout - the timeout in msec to wait for a ICMP reply
// build.gradle
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'net.ll86.plugins:gradle-vpn-plugin:0.1-SNAPSHOT'
apply plugin: 'vpn'
vpn {
baseHost = ''
pingTimeout = 3000
repositories {
maven { url "http://${vpn.baseHost}:8081/artifactory/repo" }
When the above code is run, it will behave the following way:
- If vpn.baseHost is pingable, gradle will behave as default
- If vpn.baseHost is not pingable, gradle will operate in offline mode
Note that due to a chicken/egg problem, the VPN plugin can't really help you with repositories in the buildscript section of your project. It can only help with compile dependencies.
There could possibly be vpn.fallbackUrl, but I'm not sure how to set that up because it seems like the repositories get resolved after the ping command could be run.