This module contains source code and instructions for turning a Raspberry Pi together with a DS18B20 temperature sensor into a temperature monitoring device. Each x minutes a reading is made and posted to a server for storage. The server is a generic Java web application with a RESTful interface for posting temperature readings and retrieving temperature information in condensed manner.
Storage is solved by a CouchDB database which is called in RESTful fashion from the web application.
The web application also contains a single page HTML application using the REST services for fetching temperature data and presenting it in a human friendly way using charts and diagrams.
To setup this project on your own, make sure you have
- A Raspberry Pi (with Ethernet capabilities)
- A DS18B20 temperature sensor ~ $8.
- A 4.7KOhm resistor
- Some wires and a soldering iron
Here's a detailed blog post that will guide you in setting up hardware and software.