ARCHIVED--see the new location at
could be considered an alternative keyboard layout. It uses the
QWERTY letter keys, but improves coding ergonomics by including the symbol and
cursor layers from Jack Rosenthal's 3l layout. Note that use of the symbols
layer is required, because certain symbol keys are replaced by the modifier keys
that give access to the symbol and cursor layers, so the only way to type those
symbols is with the symbols layer.
is currently implemented only for Linux and Windows. I can't
really see wanting to make a Mac version myself, but maybe someone else will.
If you want to try, be warned: the Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows implementations
of 3l
(the reference layout for this one) are all under 300 lines, but the
Mac OS X implementation is over 2500--try at your own risk. Having looked at
the FreeBSD implementation of 3l
, I don't think this layout is worth
implementing in FreeBSD due to the way shortcomings in its keyboard drivers
hamper its ability to add layers.
The Sym layer includes the symbols on the upper right of the keys, while the Cur layer includes the symbols on the bottom of Q-T and A-G.
No other keys are changed; without the modifiers held down the layout is normal QWERTY (except that the characters normally typed by the modifier keys will not work). This includes the comma, period, and semicolon keys--they are not moved by this layout. This also includes the whole left column of keys--Tab, Caps, etc. I personally run an xmodmap on top of this layout that remaps those keys, but you can do what you like, including nothing at all.
Switching to a new keyboard layout is hard. It is difficult enough to switch for
typing regular letters, but in my experience, it is far more difficult to switch
to an alternative layout if you are highly familiar with a set of keybindings,
such as those provided by a text editor such as Vim (my personal experience).
However, the symbols and cursors layers provided by such keyboard
layouts as 3l
or Neo (from which 3l
itself derives much of its
versions of these layers) are still highly useful, and are far less difficult to
switch to due to the lower frequency of these characters
and the lack of keybindings involving them.
This layout is intended to make typing code or other symbol-intensive things more ergonomic and easier by providing symbols in an easier-to-reach place by providing a symbols layer. It should not make a big difference to speed in either direction if what is being typed is not symbol-intensive. It also provides a cursor layer, which includes arrow, navigation, and delete keys on or near home row.
On Linux using X, you can run linux/xmodmap/
from the base of
this repository to temporarily set your keyboard layout. To undo this, you can
either type setxkbmap us
, or it will return back to normal next time you log
out and back in.
On Windows, compile and run the provided AHK script. Your keyboard layout will
return to normal when the script exits (in the system tray) or you press both
keys at the same time.
Place the linux/xkb/symbols/3ls
file in your system's symbols
[1], then either:
setxkbmap 3ls
to set the layout temporarily.Or, to set
as the default keyboard layout for your system, add a section to your X11 configuration:$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-keyboard.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "system-keyboard" MatchIsKeyboard "on" Option "XkbLayout" "3ls" EndSection
has thelocalectl
utility that you may optionally use to maintain this configuration file.
To create a console mapping from the xkb
symbols file, you can use the
[1] | This is typically something like /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols . |
Place the AHK script in your "Startup" folder.