This project is intended to be a test and practical example of several spring cloud technologies, namely:
- Service discovery via Eureka server or Consul Server
- Client side balancing using Ribbon
- Edge server using zuul
- Circuit breaker using Hystrix
- Real time monitoring using Hystrix Dashboard + Turbine
- Log correlation using sleuth
We also use other interesting technologies
- Swagger to document microservices API
- Examples on how to serialize and document new java.time classes
There are two maven profiles defined to choose between consul and Eureka. Eureka profile is active by default.
Build project using:
mvn clean package
Build project using:
mvn clean package -P -discoveryServiceEureka,discoveryServiceConsul
The run script presupposes that you have consul installed and runs a local development instance.
It uses tags to select instances to be called (i.e. mirroring AWS availability zones).
Exposed endpoints: http://localhost:8080/microserviceOne/testCallOne http://localhost:8080/microserviceTwo/testCallTwo
Real time monitoring using Hystrix Dashboard + Turbine to aggregate all monitoring streams in a single Dashboard.
Turbine works with consul but still lacks metadata functionality to specify customs CLUSTER keys
Adding dependency we get a consistent TraceId added to all the
logs in all microservices, and we also get the following header in the JSon
response: X-B3-TraceId: c058d819e6499487
Online documentation and tester available at: http://localhost:xxxx/swagger-ui.html JSON swagger API specification available at: http://localhost:xxxx/api-docs/
Use run-test-suit-[eureka|consul].sh to start the test (in a local machine environment). The script uses cygwin, although it shouldn't be difficult to change to a linux environment.
- A similar demo (using docker)