Note: Visual Studio 2019 v16.5 & v16.6 get an internal compiler error when compiling parts of this software. v16.4 is okay. For Windows we suggest using Visual Studio 2017 until Microsoft fixes this bug.
Note: This repo has just switched from a GYP-based to a CMake-based build system. The pre-generated build files have been removed but the .gyp files will remain available for a while and can be used to generate build files, using the GNUMakefile in the root of the project, in the event of a problem. You will have to install GYP.
GNU/Linux, iOS & OSX | Windows | Documentation |
This is the official home of the source code for the Khronos KTX library and tools.
KTX (Khronos Texture) is a lightweight container for textures for OpenGL®, Vulkan® and other GPU APIs. KTX files contain all the parameters needed for texture loading. A single file can contain anything from a simple base-level 2D texture through to a cubemap array texture with mipmaps. Contained textures can be in a Basis Universal format, in any of the block-compressed formats supported by OpenGL family and Vulkan APIs and extensions or in an uncompressed single-plane format. Basis Universal currently encompasses two formats that can be quickly transcoded to any GPU-supported format: LZ/ETC1S, which combines block-compression and supercompression, and UASTC, a block-compressed format. Formats other than LZ/ETC1S can be supercompressed with Zstd.
The software consists of: (links are to source folders in the KhronosGroup repo)
- libktx - a small library of functions for writing and reading KTX
files, and instantiating OpenGL®, OpenGL ES™️ and Vulkan® textures
from them.
- libktx.{js,wasm} - Web assembly version of libktx and
Javascript wrapper.
- msc_basis_transcoder.{js,wasm} - Web assembly transcoder and
Javascript wrapper for Basis Universal formats. For use with KTX parsers written in Javascript.
- ktx2check - a tool for validating KTX Version 2 format files.
- ktx2ktx2 - a tool for converting a KTX Version 1 file to a KTX
Version 2 file.
- ktxinfo - a tool to display information about a KTX file in
human readable form.
- ktxsc - a tool to supercompress a KTX Version 2 file that
contains uncompressed images.
- toktx - a tool to create KTX files from PNG, Netpbm or JPEG format images. It supports mipmap generation, encoding to
Basis Universal formats and Zstd supercompression.
Downloadable binary packages of the tools, library and development headers are available at Releases. There are also packages with the Javascript wrappers and .wasm binaries.
See the Doxygen generated live documentation for API and tool usage information.
See CONTRIBUTING for information about contributing.
See LICENSE for information about licensing.
See BUILDING for information about building the code.
If you need help with using the KTX library or KTX tools, please use the KTX forum. To report problems use GitHub issues.
IMPORTANT: you must install the Git LFS command line extension in order to fully checkout this repository after cloning. You need at least version 1.1. If you did not have Git LFS installed at first checkout then, after installing it, you must run
git lfs checkout
A few files have $Date$
keywords. If you care about having the proper
dates shown or will be generating the documentation or preparing
distribution archives, you must follow the instructions below.
On Unix (Linux, Mac OS X, etc.) platforms and Windows using Git for Windows' Git Bash or Cygwin's bash terminal:
rm include/ktx.h tools/toktx/toktx.cpp
git checkout include/ktx.h tools/toktx/toktx.cpp
On Windows with the Command Prompt (requires git.exe
in a directory
on your %PATH%):
del include/ktx.h tools/toktx/toktx.cpp
git checkout include/ktx.h tools/toktx/toktx.cpp
The first command adds an [include] of the repo's .gitconfig
to the
local git config file .git/config
, i.e. the one in your clone of the repo.
contains the config of the "keyworder" filter. The remaining
commands force a new checkout of the affected files to smudge them with the
date. These two are unnecessary if you plan to edit these files.