The absolute simplest example is:
Add the path to the clustering code to your environment by calling: {{{ setup_path }}}
Create affinity matrix an example is:
W = [ ...
0 -0.0442 -0.0189 -0.0150; ...
-0.0442 0 0.1585 0.0182; ...
-0.0189 0.1585 0 0.0097; ...
-0.0150 0.0182 0.0097 0; ...
A good place to start to understand the code is from example_clusters.m. I still need to add further documentation. ncutsK_v5 is interactive code. This is largely for visualization and inspection.
The main function for usage is sncut(W,K) where W is the weight matrix and K is the number of clusters.
Optional type ... sncut(W,K,'type','hard'||'flex'||'soft')
Please send questions to Joao Sedoc (joao at cis dot upenn dot edu).
For the theory behind SSC see :
Jean Gallier ,"Spectral Theory of Unsigned and Signed Graphs. Applications to Graph Clustering: a Survey"
Sedoc et al., "Semantic Word Clusters Using Signed Normalized Graph Cuts"