Install pico-sdk and ensure that you can build the examples.
Clone javelin-steno repository.
Clone this repository.
From within this repository, link the javelin-steno repository:
> ln -s <path-to-javelin-steno> javelin
- Standard CMake, with '-D JAVELIN_BOARD=xxx'
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake .. -D JAVELIN_BOARD=uni_v4
> make
You should now have a uf2 file that can be copied to the device.
This project is a snapshot of internal repositories and is not accepting any pull requests.
This code is distributed under PolyForm Noncommercial license. For commercial use, please contact me.
When building, if you receive a message like:
error: uinitialized const member in 'const char []'
This means that you're running an older version of the toolchain that has a compiler bug. Update to a newer version at https://developer.arm.com/downloads/-/arm-gnu-toolchain-downloads