This macro serves as an example of how you can open up a WebView Modal on the Cisco Room Navigator.
Great starting point when first working with Webview Display APIs.
- Automatic UI Generation
- WebView Target Detection
- Determines whether to show on the OSD or Navigator based on available resources
- OSD User Tool Tips
- Simple Configuration
- Cache Handling
- Download a copy of the webview-modal-automated-prompt.js Macro
- Login into the Web Interface of your Device
- Enable CommonProxy in Configuration->NetworkServices
- Navigate to the Macro Editor
- Select Import from file, and add the webview-modal-automated-prompt.js file
- Alter the config object of the Macro
- Save the Macro
- Activate the Macro
- Post Call / Meeting Surveys
- Vidcast of Post Call Survey -
- Service Ticket Portal
- Ordering Coffee
The webview-modal-automated-prompt.js macro has an object near the top of the script. You can change a few items on the fly to alter the Macro user experience. To the right of each nested object is a list of accepted values and a description of each Value.
const config = {
WebModal: { // Set Values pertaining to a Web Based Modal
Title: 'Survey', //Set a user facing title for the Web Modal
Url: '', // Set the URL you want to open
OSDToolTip: { // If the modal is prompted by a trigger without user interaction, this tooltip will show to help guide the user
Mode: true,
Message: 'Tell us about your experience on the Touch Panel 🙂',
Duration: 15,
Location: 'Top-Right', // Top-Right, Top-Left, Center, Bottom-Right, Bottom-Left
Triggers: { // Choose how the WebModal should be prompted to open
PanelClicked: true, // If true, will generate a user facing panel to open the WebModal when clicked
CallDisconnect: true // If true, the WebModal will open when a call disonnects
ClearCacheOnExit: {
Mode: true, // If true, it will clear cache for Webapps
Target: 'WebApps' // All, Signage, WebApps, PersistentWebApp
WebViewTimoutDuration: { // Choose how long the Survey Form stays on screen
Mode: true, // If true, it will close Webview Panel after duration timer
Duration: 18 //Number of seconds
UserInterface: {
Panel: {
Name: 'Survey', // Set the Name of the WebApps Panel
Location: 'HomeScreen', // HomeScreen, HomeScreenAndCallControls, CallControls, Never, ControlPanel
Order: 1, // Set the Position where this panel will render amongst other Custom Panels. Does not effect Native Panels
Icon: {
Type: 'Blinds', // Choose an Option from the list Below. Note, Custom expect a the CustomIconURL to be provided
"Blinds", "Briefing", "Camera", "Concierge",
"Custom", "Disc", "Handset", "Help", "Helpdesk",
"Home", "Hvac", "Info", "Input", "Language",
"Laptop", "Lightbulb", "Media", "Microphone",
"Power", "Proximity", "Record", "Sliders", "Tv"
Color: 'cf7900', // Set a Background Color using a Hexadecimal Value. Does not apply to Custom Icons or Icons located in the Control Panel
CustomIconURL: '' // Must be a .ico, .jpg or .png file that's between 60x60px to 1200x1200px in size. If the image fails to download, the icon above will be used