- Download: wget -r -N -c -np https://physionet.org/files/ptb-xl/1.0.1/
- Move
file to input folder
- Raw 1-d signal
- 2-d Spectrogram (Short-Time Fourier Transform, STFT)
- 2-d Scalogram (Continuous Wavelet Transform, CWT)
> python train.py -h
usage: train.py [-h] [--num_workers NUM_WORKERS] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--device DEVICE] [--val_index VAL_INDEX] [--epoch EPOCH]
[--model_config_name MODEL_CONFIG_NAME] [--save_dir SAVE_DIR]
[--target_label TARGET_LABEL] [--data_type DATA_TYPE]
[--fs FS] [--upsampling_factor UPSAMPLING_FACTOR]
[--sig_scaling SIG_SCALING] [--nperseg NPERSEG]
[--t_len T_LEN] [--stft_scaling STFT_SCALING]
[--width_min WIDTH_MIN] [--width_max WIDTH_MAX]
[--width_inc WIDTH_INC] [--wavelet WAVELET_TYPE]
[--cwt_scaling CWT_SCALING] [--cwt_resize CWT_RESIZE]
[--cwt_width CWT_WIDTH] [--cwt_height CWT_HEIGHT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--num_workers NUM_WORKERS
Number of workers for dataloader multi-processing
(default: 8) (default: 8)
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size (default: 8) (default: 8)
--device DEVICE Torch Device (default: cuda:0) (default: cuda:0)
--val_index VAL_INDEX
Validation index # between 1-10 (default 1) (default:
--epoch EPOCH EPOCH (default: 30) (default: 30)
--model_config_name MODEL_CONFIG_NAME
Filename for model config json file (default: None)
--save_dir SAVE_DIR Save directory (default: None)
--target_label TARGET_LABEL
Target class (diagnostic, form, rhythm,
diagnostic_class, diagnostic_subclass, all), (default:
diagnostic) (default: diagnostic)
--data_type DATA_TYPE
Data type (signal, stft, cwt), (default: signal)
(default: signal)
--fs FS sampling frequency (100, 500), (default: 500)
(default: 100)
--upsampling_factor UPSAMPLING_FACTOR
resampling (upsampling) factor for signal (default: 1)
(default: 1)
--sig_scaling SIG_SCALING
signal scaling (minmax, standard, both, None)
(default: None)
--nperseg NPERSEG nperseg for STFT (default: 128) (default: 128)
--t_len T_LEN time-length for STFT (default: 500) (default: 500)
--stft_scaling STFT_SCALING
signal scaling (min_max, standard, both, None)
(default: None)
--width_min WIDTH_MIN
minimum width (default: 0.1) (default: 0.1)
--width_max WIDTH_MAX
maximum width (default: 30.1) (default: 30.1)
--width_inc WIDTH_INC
width increment unit (default: 0.1) (default: 0.1)
--wavelet WAVELET_TYPE
wavelet type (ricker, morlet2), (default: ricker)
(default: ricker)
--cwt_scaling CWT_SCALING
signal scaling (min_max, standard, both, None)
(default: None)
--cwt_resize CWT_RESIZE
cwt resize or not? (default: False) (default: False)
--cwt_width CWT_WIDTH
cwt resize width (default: 1000) (default: 1000)
--cwt_height CWT_HEIGHT
cwt resize height (default: 300) (default: 300)
python ./codes/train.py --data_type signal --fs 100 --num_workers 16 --model_config_name ./config/test1d.json --device cuda:1 --batch_size 32 --target_label all