- the root element is <simulation>.
- <simulation> contains 1 or more <case>
- <case> contains 1 <runs>, 1 <inf>, 1 or more <strategy>, 1 or more <innovator>, 0 or more <provider>
- <runs> contains an integer, which indicates the number of runs of the case.
- <inf> contains a string, which MUST BE an ABSOLUTE path to the influence matrix txt file OR an RELATIVE path to the jar files.
- <strategy> contains a string, which could be "closed", "licensing", "outsourcing", "alliance_max", "alliance_min".
- <innovator> contains 1 <num>, 1 <power>, 1 <M> and 1 <P>
- <num> contains an integer, which indicates the total number of that type of agents with within that case
- <power> contains an integer, which indicates the processing power of that type of agent
- <M> contains an integer, which indicates the size of M
- <P> contains an integer, which indicates the size of P
- <provider> contains 1 <num>, 1 <power>, 1 <Q>
- <num> contains an integer, which indicates the total number of that type of agents with within that case
- <power> contains an integer, which indicates the processing power of that type of agent
- <Q> contains an integer, which indicates the size of Q
- <case> contains 1 <runs>, 1 <inf>, 1 or more <strategy>, 1 or more <innovator>, 0 or more <provider>
- <simulation> contains 1 or more <case>
RD_run takes only one argument which is the path (absolute or relative path) to an xml config file.
E.g., >> java -jar RD_run.jar ./config/conf1.xml
The output files of NK_run are stored in the same directory as the jar file.
The output files are txt files. One txt file is for one strategy type under one case. In other words, each output file corresponds to one <strategy> element node in the xml config file.
The output txt file name is formatted as: CLOSED, ALLIANCE_MAX, ALLIANCE_MIN: "o_n" + the number N + "k" + the number K + "x" + the total number of innovators + "" + the strategy type + ".txt" OUTSOURCING, LICENSING: "o_n" + the number N + "k" + the number K + "x" + the total number of innovators + "y" + the total number of providers + "" + the strategy type + ".txt"
IMPORTANT NOTE 1 There are more than one influence matrices with the same N and K. Maybe you will differentiate them with different file names, e.g., "n4k2_1.txt", "n4k2_2.txt". However, the output file name could be the same, because of the format above. Therefore, please rename the generated files if necessary.
IMPORTANT NOTE 2 New generated output file will not rewrite the original file (if existed) with the same name. Instead, the contents will be appended to the original file (if existed).