- reference catalog: PDE for USGS, ISC for ISC catalog
- date
- time
- latitude
- longitude
- depth
- mag 两种震级格式的大小 Mb Ms
- event name: 14-characters
- data used in the inversion: B,Long-period body waves S,intermediate-period surface waves M,long-period mantle waves
- type of source CMT: 0 ,general moment tensor CMT: 1 ,moment tensor with constrain of zero trace(standard) CMT: 2 ,double-couple source
- type and duration of moment-rate function notice that the value given is half the duration
- centroid parameters in the inversion
- type of depth FREE: a result of the inversion FIX: indicates that the depth is fixed and not inverted for BDY: based on model of broad-band P waveforms
- timestamp it is useful to distinguish Quick CMTs and standard CMTs Q- :Quick CMTs S- :standard CMTs
- exponent 指定矩张量指数级的大小 例如,exponent=24,表明后面所有矩张量的值都要乘 10**24
- six moment-tensor elements Mrr,Mtt,Mpp,Mrt,Mrp,Mtp r: up t: south p: east notice that each moment-tensor element is followed by its standard error
- version code useless
- moment-tensor expressed in its principal-axis system:eigenvalue,plunge and azimuth of the three eigenvectors. eigenvalue, should be multiplied by 10**(exponent) plunge azimuth the order is: t-eigen,t-plu,t-azi,b-eigen,b-plu,b-azi,p-eigen,p-plu,p-azi
- scalar moment , to be multiplied by 10**(exponent)
- strike,dip,rake