A Full Stack WebApp for movie theatres where user can search for movies that are available and admin can add movie to the list and much more.
This project will be completed and hosted very soon!
Use the package manager npm to install cinema-app. Setup the project and install the packages by running:
npm run setup
Run project with command
npm run dev
- FrontEnd: React.JS, Redux Library, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS
- Backend: Node.JS, Express.JS
- Database: MongoDB, Mongoose
Sign In / Sign Up / Sign Out the user.
Recieving a welcoming email when sign-up using Nodemailer.
Add a new movie to the list.
POST /api/users/signup
POST /api/users/login
DELETE /api/users/:userID
GET /api/movies
POST /api/movies/addmovie
DELETE /api/movies/:movieID
GET /api/genres
POST /api/genres/addgenre
DELETE /api/movies/:genreID