Our challenge was to create the service called uevent that helps organize/buy tickets to events
##Database tables:
- Users
- Events
- Companies
- Subscriptions
- Orders
- Formats
- Themes
#Future plans
- Functionality to choose whether the user wants to receive notifications about new visitors of their own event
- Invite friends to see event info
- Separate page for creating notifications – choose a theme of the reminder and the reminder body
- Functionality to choose who can see the list of event visitors (everybody or only users who are going to the event)
> npm install
> CREATE USER kbarinova@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'swagswag69-69';
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO kbarinova@localhost;
> npm start
> cd client
> npm start
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Karina Barinova
Nadya Onoprienko