Cassette is a collection of queue-related classes for iOS and macOS. It is maintained by LinkedIn. Cassette was originally implemented by Segment. Cassette was inspired by Tape.
is an efficient, file-based FIFO queue. Addition and removal from an instance is an O(1) operation. Writes are synchronous; data will be written to disk before an operation returns. The queue is intended to be reliable and survive system or process crashes.
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'Cassette', '1.0.0-beta3'
Download the latest binary of the library.
works with arbitrary objects that abide by the NSCoding protocol. An CASObjectQueue
may be backed by a persistent CASQueueFile
, or in memory.
CASObjectQueue<NSNumber *> *queue;
// Persistent ObjectQueue
NSError *error;
queue = [[CASFileObjectQueue alloc] initWithRelativePath:@"Test-File" error:&error];
// In-Memory ObjectQueue
queue = [[CASInMemoryObjectQueue alloc] init];
Add some data to the end of the queue.
[queue add:@1];
Read data at the head of the queue.
// Peek the eldest element.
NSNumber *data = [queue peek];
// Peek the eldest `n` elements.
NSArray<NSNumber *> *data = [queue peek:n];
Remove processed elements.
// Remove the eldest element.
[queue pop];
// Remove 'n' elements.
[queue pop:n];
// Remove all elements.
[queue clear];