Barebones (German: Skelett) container classes to center your stuff and contain it on a certain width.
See other Skelett tools skelett-flexbox-grid and sekelett-media-queries.
- The Skelett repos are a bunch of standalone scss libraries without any styling so they don't interfere with your very beautiful project.
- No padding
- No margin
- no colors
- no nothing
- ITCSS naming to prevent style injections
Add the container class o.container
around your stuff. This will center everything and ads padding from md__down
to have some breathing room on smaller devices
- All containers ar always centered
standard container. locks at$lg-width
go full width until the the very end.o-container-inner
smaller container than standard but locks at$md-width
locks the container size at your requested media query size.- Use all classes also as an extend