Minimal grid
This is a flexbox toolset library It is meant to be a barebones (German: Skelett) flexbox framework without any styling to not interfere with the rest of your project.
The idea is also that you can use it to save aging websites by just drop in this library and minimise css injections.
By default the grid is a $baseGrid: 12;
12 column grid.
NPM npm i skelett-flexbox-grid -s
That's the basic flexbox grid markup Then just add utility classes as you need them (See Table)
<div class="o-flex"> // initiate the flexbox parent element
<div class="o-col"></div> // initiate the flexbox child element
<div class="o-col"></div>
<div class="o-col"></div>
If you want to control the width of the grid elements add classes with a number like so: o-col-{x}
<div class="o-flex">
<div class="o-col-12">Column with full width</div>
<div class="o-col-4">Column with 1/4 width</div>
<div class="o-col">fills the rest of the row</div>
Just add media query based classes to your grid
This library juses the skelett-media-query library.
All classes are avalable with the media query string xx_up xx_down
<div class="o-flex">
<div class="o-col-1 o-col-sm_up-4 o-col-md_up-2">Column with full width. 1/4 on Md size and 1/6 on Lg size</div>
<div class="col">fills the rest of the row</div>
You can also define the grid size on the parent element with o-flex u-row-col-{x}
<div class="o-flex u-row-col-4">
<div class="o-col">1/4 column</div>
<div class="o-col">1/4 column</div>
<div class="o-col col2">overrides the parent directive/div>
In case you don't want/can't change the html maruk everything is avalabe as extends as well:
.yourOwnClass {
@extend %o-flex;
@include %u-row-sm_up-4;
@include %u-row-lg_up-2;
There are helper classes for all the stuff
- Direction
- Gap
Not implemented yet. I'm just no happy with the negative margin solution which is used everywhere
- Order
u-col-order-{X} eg.
u-col-order-sm__up-4` - Positioning
. X & Y refer to the standard axis. - Sizing
non-responsive class | XL | LG | MD | SM | XS |
.o-flex |
.o-flex-xl__up |
.o-flex-lg__up |
.o-flex-md__up |
.o-flex-sm__up |
.o-flex-xs__up |
.o-col |
.o-col-xl__up |
.o-col-lg__up |
.o-col-md__up |
.o-col-sm__up |
.o-col-xs__up |