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PEP8 Checking Using Syntastic

shean massey edited this page Jun 21, 2016 · 8 revisions

Syntastic is a powerful syntax checking plugin. It can check many languages including applescript, c, coffee, cpp, css, cucumber, cuda, docbk, erlang, eruby, fortran, gentoo_metadata, go, haml, haskell, html, javascript, json, less, lua, matlab, perl, php, puppet, python, rst, ruby, sass/scss, sh, tcl, tex, vala, xhtml, xml, xslt, yaml, zpt. For python, it invokes pyflaks, pylint and flake8. And flake8 can check PEP8.


You can go to and follow the instruction there. It needs you install another plugin "pathogen" for managing VIM plugins. If you do not want to install "pathogen". Follow the steps here.

  • Download the
  • Copy to your /.vim or $VIMRUNTIME
  • Run the commands as follows
    $ cd ~/.vim
    $ unzip
    $ sudo yum install pylint pyflakes
    _$ sudo easy_install flake8


Syntastic can perform checking when file is opened, saved or closed. However, I do not like this behavior. I disable the automatic check, then map F5 to activate the syntax checking. Add the following lines to your /.vimrc

let g:syntastic_mode_map = { 'mode': 'passive',     
                          \ 'active_filetypes': [],     
                          \ 'passive_filetypes': [] } 
let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list=1     
nnoremap <silent> <F5> :SyntasticCheck<CR>    

In the latest version of flake8 and pep8 checking tools, the rules are very strict. If the project you working in applies a less strict rule set, you can ignore some rules not needed, create a file in ~/.config/pep8 and input the text as follow.


Running Syntastic

Just press F5, then all the errors will be marked, and a error list box will appear, showing the errors and the reasons. You can select a specific error in the box and press ENTER to jump to the error. Here are a few commands taken from Syntastic's documentation.


When errors have been detected, use this command to pop up the |location-list| and display the error messages.


Manually cause a syntax check to be done. Useful in passive mode, or if the current filetype is set to passive.
See |syntastic_mode_map| for more info.

SyntasticScreenshot.png Syntastic

To move cursor to the bottom box, press "CTRL+W" then press "j" or down arrow key, this means "move to the window downwards". Locate the cursor to a problem in the bottom box, then press "ENTER" to jump to the problem in the upper window.