Welcome to Vyper examples from Kirigami Labs!
We are building on the shoulders of giants and are proud to say that we leverage code and knowledge provided by those that came before us.
Special thanks to the Ethereum and Vyper Lang organizations for providing amazing products and thank you specifically to Charles Cooper, pcaversaccio, and all others who have contributed to the development and growth of the Vyper language.
Vyper Resources - A curated list of Vyper resources, libraries, tools, and more
Snekmate - State-of-the-art, highly opinionated, hyper-optimised, and secure 🐍 Vyper smart contract building blocks
Titanoboa - a vyper interpreter
BowTiedDevil - Self-taught coder, autistic cartoon, blockchain enthusiastic, technical writer (great resources to get started, search for Vyper posts)
MEW Contract Deployment - Simple contract deployment via My Ether Wallet
Once you are ready to deploy your Vyper contract, use the following commands to generate bytecode and abi from contracts folder:
➜ contracts vyper contract_name.vy
➜ contracts vyper -f abi contract_name.vy
Folder | Primary use |
/src |
Main source folder for development |
/src/abi |
ABI files for vyper files in contracts folder |
/src/bytecode |
Bytecode files for vyper files in contracts folder |
/src/contracts |
Contract files for vyper |
/public |
Storage for assets that will be available at URL path after build |
/public/assets |
General image assets |
/references |
Reference files that were used in the development of example vyper contracts |
Please note all example contracts are experimental and solely for educational purposes and advancement of the Vyper langugage.
is a read-only contract that allows for pulling pairs, reserves, and tokens from Uniswap v2 pairs. -
is a read-only contract that allows for pulling pools, liquidity, reserves, and tokens from Uniswap v3 pools. -
is a batch contract that allows for pulling all relevant data in Uniswap v2 pairs and v3 pools (except for data outside tick ranges in Uniswap v3). -
is a Uniswap dex arbitrage executor contract that utilizes off-chain data sourcing of arbitrage opportunities. This example does cyclical arbitrage with WETH and does not require funding of the contract to perform arbitrage. Contract utilizes the functions rpo2 and rpo3 for 2-pool and 3-pool arbitrage.
flash: uint8
is a binary flag. If set to 1, it will use flash loan when dex arb cannot be done atomically without funds.amountIn: uint256
is the amountIn in WETH (no decimals).dex: uint8[]
is an array that flags whether pool is Uniswap v2 (value: 2) or Uniswap v3 (value: 3).pool_address: address[]
is an array of pool addresses.amountOut: uint256[]
is an array of amountOuts of output token from pools (no decimals).zeroForOne: bool[]
is a boolean array labeling whether you are swapping from Token 0 to Token 1 (value: True) or from Token 1 to Token 0 (value: False) within the pool.
Example 2-pool arbitrage:
[3, 2],
['0x65DC6065fF58d7B468e250F1037C575507c7A6a6', '0xF5C92780138061a113fd708d4b403E0E830effFf'],
[120420203725456737495, 130155365790298005],
[True, False]
Example 3-pool arbitrage:
[2, 3, 2],
['0x2cC846fFf0b08FB3bFfaD71f53a60B4b6E6d6482', '0x6e7F25cb3d281d64DbE4b1a38072836ADC11815F', '0x52c77b0CB827aFbAD022E6d6CAF2C44452eDbc39'],
[1301765798543, 26483878580848, 505312605087474755],
[False, True, False]
from web3 import Web3
from datetime import datetime
web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider("#")) #input provider address
contract_address = web3.to_checksum_address('#') #input contract address after deployment
contract_abi = #input abi
contract = web3.eth.contract(address=contract_address, abi=contract_abi) # declaring the contract
nonce = web3.eth.get_transaction_count(account_address)
goflag = 0
tx_params = {
'from': account_address,
'value': 0,
#'value': web3.to_wei(0.000001, 'ether'),
#'gas': 50000,
'gasPrice': web3.to_wei(gas_price, 'gwei'),
'nonce': nonce
tx = DexArbExecutor.functions.rpo2(
[3, 2],
['0x65DC6065fF58d7B468e250F1037C575507c7A6a6', '0xF5C92780138061a113fd708d4b403E0E830effFf'],
[120420203725456737495, 130155365790298005],
[True, False]
gas = web3.eth.estimate_gas(tx) #get transaction gas estimate
tx_params = {
'from': account_address,
'value': 0,
#'value': web3.to_wei(0.000001, 'ether'),
'gas': gas3,
'gasPrice': web3.to_wei(gas_price, 'gwei'),
'nonce': nonce
testtx = contract.functions.rpo2(1, amountIn, dexes, pool_addresses, amountOuts, zeroForOnes).call(tx_params) #test transaction to ensure it doesn't fail
if goflag == 1:
signed_tx = web3.eth.account.sign_transaction(tx, private_key)
send_tx = web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
tx_hash = web3.to_hex(send_tx)
#loop checking status of transaction
blockhash = None
status2 = None
while blockhash == None:
status = web3.eth.get_transaction(tx_hash)
blockhash = status['blockHash']
status = None
print(str(datetime.now())+' - '+str(txhash))
if status2 == status:
print('Transaction pending...')
status2 = status
print('Transaction 3 Complete : '+str(datetime.now()))
Note 1: example calls are solely for demonstrative purposes and may fail given changing values in pools
Note 2: example web3.py files will be added later with onchain contracts for testing
“No one is useless in this world,' retorted the Secretary, 'who lightens the burden of it for any one else.”
― Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend