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korge-game-engine committed Jun 22, 2024
1 parent 62a1f59 commit 7b49342
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Showing 11 changed files with 415 additions and 373 deletions.
365 changes: 3 additions & 362 deletions src/main.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,368 +1,9 @@
import korlibs.datastructure.*
import korlibs.event.*
import korlibs.image.bitmap.*
import korlibs.image.color.*
import korlibs.korge.*
import korlibs.korge.scene.*
import korlibs.korge.view.*
import korlibs.image.color.*
import korlibs.image.format.*
import korlibs.image.text.*
import korlibs.image.tiles.*
import korlibs.korge.animate.*
import korlibs.korge.input.*
import korlibs.korge.time.*
import korlibs.korge.tween.*
import korlibs.korge.view.align.*
import korlibs.korge.view.tiles.*
import korlibs.math.geom.*
import korlibs.math.geom.slice.*
import korlibs.math.random.*
import korlibs.time.*
import kotlin.random.*
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds
import snake.scene.*

suspend fun main() = Korge(windowSize = Size(512, 512), backgroundColor = Colors["#2b2b2b"]) {
val sceneContainer = sceneContainer()

sceneContainer.changeTo { MyScene() }

val EMPTY = 0
val APPLE = 1
val WALL = 2
val SNAKE = 3

object AppleProvider : ISimpleTileProvider by (SimpleTileProvider(value = APPLE).also {

object WallProvider : ISimpleTileProvider by (SimpleTileProvider(value = WALL).also {
it.rule(SimpleRule(Tile(17), right = true))
it.rule(SimpleRule(Tile(18), left = true, right = true))
it.rule(SimpleRule(Tile(19), left = true, down = true))
it.rule(SimpleRule(Tile(20), left = true, up = true, down = true))
it.rule(SimpleRule(Tile(21), left = true, up = true, down = true, right = true))

data class GameInfo(
val score: Int = 0,
val hiScore: Int = 0,
) {
fun withIncrementedScore(increment: Int = +1): GameInfo {
val newScore = score + increment
return GameInfo(score = newScore, hiScore = maxOf(hiScore, newScore))

open class GameInfoUpdatedEvent(val gameInfo: GameInfo) : TypedEvent<GameInfoUpdatedEvent>(GameInfoUpdatedEvent) {
companion object : EventType<GameInfoUpdatedEvent>

open class GameStartEvent() : TypedEvent<GameStartEvent>(GameStartEvent) {
companion object : EventType<GameStartEvent>

class OverlayScene : Scene() {
override suspend fun SContainer.sceneMain() {
val scoreText = text("").xy(8, 8)
var current = GameInfo()
var hiScoreBeatShown = false

fun updateGameInfo(old: GameInfo, new: GameInfo) {
scoreText.text = "Score: ${new.score}, HI-Score: ${new.hiScore}"
if (new.hiScore > old.hiScore && !hiScoreBeatShown) {
hiScoreBeatShown = true
val text = sceneView.text("Hi-Score beaten", textSize = 32.0).centerOnStage().alpha(0.0)
sceneView.animator {
parallel {
this.moveBy(text, 0.0, 32.0)
block { text.removeFromParent() }

onEvent(GameStartEvent) {
hiScoreBeatShown = false

onEvent(GameInfoUpdatedEvent) {
updateGameInfo(current, it.gameInfo)
current = it.gameInfo

class MyScene : PixelatedScene(32 * 16, 32 * 16, sceneSmoothing = true), StateScene by StateScene.Mixin() {
lateinit var tilesBmp: Bitmap32
val tiles by lazy { tilesBmp.slice().splitInRows(16, 16) }
val tileSet by lazy { TileSet.fromBitmapSlices(16, 16, tiles, border = 0) }
val tileMap by lazy { sceneView.tileMap(TileMapData(32, 32, tileSet = tileSet)) }
val tileMapRules by lazy { CombinedRuleMatcher(WallProvider, AppleProvider) }
val intMap by lazy { IntArray2(,, EMPTY).observe {
IntGridToTileGrid(this.base as IntArray2, tileMapRules,, it)
} }
var hiScoreBeatShown = false

val initialGameInfo = GameInfo(score = 0)
val initialSnake = Snake(listOf(PointInt(5, 5), PointInt(6, 5)), length = 4)
var gameInfo: GameInfo by Observable(initialGameInfo, after = {
var snake = initialSnake
val random = Random(0)

override suspend fun SContainer.sceneInit() {
tilesBmp = resourcesVfs["gfx/tiles.ase"].readBitmap(ASE).toBMP32IfRequired()
sceneContainer().changeTo { OverlayScene() }

override suspend fun SContainer.sceneMain() {

suspend fun ingame(view: Container) {
intMap[RectangleInt(0, 0, intMap.width, intMap.height)] = EMPTY
intMap[RectangleInt(0, 0, intMap.width, 1)] = WALL
intMap[RectangleInt(0, intMap.height - 1, intMap.width, 1)] = WALL
intMap[RectangleInt(0, 0, 1, intMap.height)] = WALL
intMap[RectangleInt(intMap.width - 1, 0, 1, intMap.height)] = WALL
intMap[RectangleInt(8, 8, 3, 3)] = WALL
intMap[RectangleInt(16, 20, 4, 10)] = WALL

hiScoreBeatShown = false
gameInfo = gameInfo.copy(score = 0)
snake = initialSnake


intMap[4, 3] = WALL
intMap[4, 4] = WALL
intMap[3, 4] = WALL
intMap[4, 5] = WALL
//intMap[4, 4] = WALL

var direction = SnakeDirection.RIGHT

view.interval(0.1.seconds) {

view.keys {
down(Key.UP) { direction = SnakeDirection.UP }
down(Key.DOWN) { direction = SnakeDirection.DOWN }
down(Key.LEFT) { direction = SnakeDirection.LEFT }
down(Key.RIGHT) { direction = SnakeDirection.RIGHT }
down(Key.SPACE) {
view.speed = if (view.speed == 0.0) 1.0 else 0.0

suspend fun gameOver(view: Container) = with(view) {
//val views = view.stage!!.view
val background = solidRect(width, height, Colors.BLACK).alpha(0.0)

val text = text("GAME OVER", textSize = 1.0, alignment = TextAlignment.CENTER).xy(width * 0.5, height * 0.5)
speed = 0.0

keys {
down {

time = 0.5.seconds,

fun renderSnake() {
snake.render(, intMap)

fun addRandomApple() {
while (true) {
val point: Point = random[Rectangle(0, 0, intMap.width - 0.5, intMap.height - 0.5)]
val ipoint = point.toInt()
if (intMap[ipoint] == EMPTY) {
intMap[ipoint] = APPLE

fun moveSnake(dir: SnakeDirection) {
val oldSnake = snake
snake = snake.withMove(dir)
val headValue = intMap[snake.headPos]
var isApple = headValue == APPLE
when {
isApple -> {
snake = snake.copy(length = snake.length + 1)
gameInfo = gameInfo.withIncrementedScore(+1)
headValue == WALL || headValue == SNAKE -> {
oldSnake.clear(, intMap)
snake.render(, intMap)
if (isApple) {

interface StateScene {
var changeState: StateFunc?
class Mixin : StateScene {
override var changeState: StateFunc? = null

suspend fun SContainer.runStates(startingFunc: StateFunc) {
var func: StateFunc = startingFunc
while (true) {
val stateView = fixedSizeContainer(this.size)
try {
while (true) frame()
} catch (e: ChangeSceneException) {
func = e.func
} finally {

fun change(func: StateFunc) {
changeState = func
throw ChangeSceneException(func)

class ChangeSceneException(val func: StateFunc) : Throwable()

suspend fun Container.frame() {
val newState = changeState
if (newState != null) {
changeState = null
throw ChangeSceneException(newState)

enum class SnakeDirection(
val delta: Vector2I,
val isHorizontal: Boolean?,
) {
UP(Vector2I(0, -1), isHorizontal = false),
DOWN(Vector2I(0, +1), isHorizontal = false),
LEFT(Vector2I(-1, 0), isHorizontal = true),
RIGHT(Vector2I(+1, 0), isHorizontal = true),
NONE(Vector2I(0, 0), isHorizontal = null),

companion object {
fun fromPoints(old: PointInt, new: PointInt): SnakeDirection = when {
new.x > old.x -> RIGHT
new.x < old.x -> LEFT
new.y > old.y -> DOWN
new.y < old.y -> UP
else -> NONE

typealias StateFunc = suspend (Container) -> Unit

data class Snake(val list: List<PointInt>, val length: Int) {
val headPos get() = list.last()

fun withMove(dir: SnakeDirection): Snake =
(list + (list.last() +,
length = length

fun clear(map: TileMapData, intMap: IntIArray2) {
for ((index, point) in list.withIndex()) {
intMap[point] = EMPTY
if (map.inside(point.x, point.y)) {
while (map.getStackLevel(point.x, point.y) > 0) {
map.removeLast(point.x, point.y)

fun render(map: TileMapData, intMap: IntIArray2) {
for ((index, point) in list.withIndex()) {
intMap[point] = SNAKE

for ((index, point) in list.withIndex()) {
val isTail = index == 0
val isHead = index == list.size - 1
val prevPoint = list.getOrElse(index - 1) { point }
val nextPoint = list.getOrElse(index + 1) { point }
val dir = SnakeDirection.fromPoints(prevPoint, point)
val ndir = SnakeDirection.fromPoints(point, nextPoint)
val turned = dir.isHorizontal != ndir.isHorizontal

//println("Dir: $dir : $ndir")

val finalTile = when {
isHead || isTail || !turned -> {
val tile = Tile(
when {
isHead -> 4
isTail -> 1
else -> 2
when (if (isTail) ndir else dir) {
SnakeDirection.UP -> tile.rotatedLeft()
SnakeDirection.DOWN -> tile.rotatedRight()
SnakeDirection.LEFT -> tile.flippedX()
SnakeDirection.RIGHT -> tile
SnakeDirection.NONE -> tile
else -> {
val tile = Tile(3)
when {
dir == SnakeDirection.UP && ndir == SnakeDirection.RIGHT -> tile.flippedX()
dir == SnakeDirection.LEFT && ndir == SnakeDirection.DOWN -> tile.flippedX()

dir == SnakeDirection.RIGHT && ndir == SnakeDirection.UP -> tile.rotatedRight(1)
dir == SnakeDirection.DOWN && ndir == SnakeDirection.LEFT -> tile.rotatedRight(1)

dir == SnakeDirection.DOWN && ndir == SnakeDirection.RIGHT -> tile.rotatedRight(2)
dir == SnakeDirection.LEFT && ndir == SnakeDirection.UP -> tile.rotatedRight(2)

else -> tile

//map[point.x, point.y] = finalTile
map.push(point.x, point.y, finalTile)
sceneContainer().changeTo { IngameScene() }
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/snake/model/GameInfo.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package snake.model

data class GameInfo(
val score: Int = 0,
val hiScore: Int = 0,
) {
fun withIncrementedScore(increment: Int = +1): GameInfo {
val newScore = score + increment
return GameInfo(score = newScore, hiScore = maxOf(hiScore, newScore))

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