Still a work in progress
This uses the Secondary Memory Interface (SMI) that all the Rapsberry PI's have.
Its based on the excellent ideas and code of Jeremy P Bentham.
Look at for the technical details.
The code this is based on: .
- Rapsberry PI 3
- Running ubuntu 21.0 (32-bits)
- NodeJS 14
- WS2812 ledmatrixes with 8x32 pixels per matrix. (and 8 of those matrixes parallel)
Updating 8 x 8 x 32 leds at 60fps from nodejs uses around 18% CPU which it pretty amazing! (this probably even could be optmized)
- Make sure you have a Raspberry with a 32-bit OS.
- Make sure you have installed a recent NodeJS. (Preferably nodejs 14 so you can use my animation framework
- Install cmake-js globally (otherwise it wont run as root)
- Install build-essenentials and cmake and stuff.
- Blacklist soundcard:
Since its a work in progress its still messy.