This work is inspired by:
Apache Accumulo is a key/value store based on the design of Google's BigTable. Accumulo stores its data in Apache Hadoop's HDFS and uses Apache Zookeeper for consensus. While many users interact directly with Accumulo, several open source projects use Accumulo as their underlying store.
See official documentation for more information.
- User must have AWS account with privilges to create/delete IAMRole, IAMPolicy and IAMProfile
- Key pair has been created
- Change the value of ACCUMULO_PASSWORD in Default value is 'secret'
Create a stack on AWS Cloudformation service by using accumuloCloudFormation.json.
NameNode: http://[PublicIPv4 of Instance]:50070/dfshealth.html#tab-datanode
ResourceManager: http://[PublicIPv4 of Instance]:8088
Accumulomaster: http://[PublicIPv4 of Instance]:9995
Worker: http://[PublicIPv4 of Instance]:9995
NOTE: Assumes the cluster is running as configured.
A script named will create a sample usertable in Accumulo using 100 randomly generated user entries.
This script should be executed on accumulomaster console as root user.
- Edit accumuloCloudFormation.json and remove the section for worker2 line 600-705
- Replace worker2 with empty string in accumuloCloudFormation.json
- Make copy of [accumuloCloudFormation.json](.../master/accumuloCloudFormation.json]
- Replace bucket name i.e. cometbucket in accumuloCloudFormation.json to a different name in one of the files