This repository contains code and documentation for an interface facilitating a structured information retrieval study conducted through the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- css: subdirectory containing any CSS styling, including bootstrap and custom written CSS for the interface
- icons: static images used for the interface
- js: subdirectory containing any JavaScript libraries necessary for interface (e.g. jQuery, bootstrap.js, etc.)
- background.js: background JavaScript file used for tracking current content page that user is on
- manifest.json: JSON file containing configuration options for running Google Chrome extension
- popout.html: base HTML file outlining elements in interface webpage
- popout.js: JavaScript file containing jQuery and JavaScript functions for tracking and facilitating user interaction with interface
- rtest.js: JavaScript file containing JavaScript functions for tracking user interactions on the content page during search task
- wiki_mock.html: HTML prototype for draggable DIV's necessary for Wikipedia search task