After googling some information about java and python features I got link to participate in google challenges. Before that day I din't know anything about :)
And BTW I'm QA Automation Engineer and not a strictly developer so my solution may look not as good as it could be.
Added jUnit tests to help verify your code and file to simple configuration in your IDE.
- Each level has N level tasks (e.g. Level 1 - 1 task, Level 2 - 2 tasks, etc.)
- You have 72 hours to submit your Answer or request a new one
- You can request only 1 new task per Level if you didn't submit previous one (not sure)
- After new task request your time will reset back to 72 hours
- You can submit task only all tests are passed 100%
- After submitted task you can have break - the time stops until new request
I really don't remember and I can't find my Answer code, but it was really easy ;)
[After I have done 3 tasks from Level 2 part 2 foobar do not let me submit my solution...]
Bug posted here: