This repository contains various tools, used to work with Telops .hcc files in LADISK.
To read the .hcc file data, the PythonTelopsToolbox package, provided by Telops, is used. This is not included with this repository.
Other external packages, required to use these tools, can be installed using pip with the provided requirements file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
A simple example of basic usage is provided below:
from telops_hcc_tools import read_hcc, read_segmented
import numpy as np
import napari
# Read a single .hcc file
file_single = 'hcc_example/example_1.hcc'
time, frames, header = read_hcc(file_single, allow_pickle=False)
print(f'Read single `.hcc` file. Image data shape: {frames.shape}.')
# Read a segmented .hcc measurement
files_segmented = [
time_s, frames_s, header_s = read_segmented(files_segmented, allow_pickle=False)
print(f'Read segmented `.hcc` file. Image data shape: {frames_s.shape}.')
# Display the read data using napari
def update_t_annotation(event):
step = viewer.dims.current_step[0]
viewer.text_overlay.text = f"{time[step]:.5f} s"
viewer = napari.view_image(data=frames, colormap='viridis', title='exmaple footage')
viewer.text_overlay.visible = True