Tools for Unpacking / Packing YFAPP.WZP firmware file for GPS Navigation based on YF launcher.
You can use compiled binaries for Windows
Usage: wzp_unpack [yfapp.wzp] [out_dir]
All params are optional.
First - input YFAPP.WZP file.
Second - output directory. By default it is "Unpacked".
Usage: wzp_pack [in_dir] [out_yfapp.wzp] [method] [hex_flag]
Example: wzp_pack Input out_yfapp.wzp 8 0xCCCCCCCC
All params are optional.
First param "in_dir" - is input directory. Default value is "Input". There must be root directory named "YFAPP" with files in it.
Second param "out_yfapp.wzp" - is output filename. By default it is "out_yfapp.wzp".
Thrid - method. Default is 8 (of zlib compression level). Useful values are 0 (uncompressed) - 9 (maximum).
Default method for YFAPP.WZP in most cases is 6, but it is named 8 in firmware files.
I tested firmware with 8, compressed by zlib as 8 and it works normal.
Fourth - hex_flag is chunk attribute flag, seems to be unused. Default values selected from other firmwares.
0xCCCCCCCC for YFAPP, for YFAP20 is 0x0154F4E4, and for YFAP30 is 0x0012D830.