This project is the 6th project of the Developer PHP / Symfony formation of Openclassrooms.
The goal of this project is to create a collaborative website with the Symfony framework.
I chose on this project to push the collaborative model to the level of Wikipedia.
Where it was required that each person can create and modify his own articles, I added the possibility for third parties to contribute on any article. The author will have the role to validate the contribution or not. And the Admin of the site will only validate any contribution of a new artilce.
- MySQL v8.0.24
- Server : for the server you can turn to the classics: WAMP, MAMP, XAMPP ...Or test the best of the swiss knives server: Laragon, my favorite ❤️
- Composer
- Symfonycast/Verify-Email-Bundle v1.5.0
- Symfonycast/Reset-Password-Bundle v1.9.1
- FakerPHP/Faker v1.15.0
- Bootstrap v5.1.0
composer install
###> symfony/mailer ###
# MAILER_DSN=smtp://localhost
###< symfony/mailer ###
# DATABASE_URL="mysql://db_user:[email protected]:3306/db_name?serverVersion=8"
###> Admin configuration, used in fixtures loading ###
ADMIN_EMAIL='[email protected]'
###> Email for contact ###
EMAIL_CONTACT='[email protected]'
1 - create your database :
php bin/console d:d:c
2 - create the structure in your database :
php bin/console d:m:m
3 - and install fixturesfor have first contents and your Admin account :
php bin/console d:f:l -n