Warning: If an "PolygonLines" error occurs, you need to install pi3d manually, steps:
pip3 uninstall pi3d
git clone https://github.com/tipam/pi3d
cd pi3d
sudo python3 setup.py install
Warning: Latest version needs ATmega firmware with CRC check. Please update atmega firmware. The software is in early development stage and is not fully documented so far.
You can easily request functions by mailing [email protected]
Create your own Slides simply by rename and modify one of our samples and add them in config.py.
Headless Wifi Setup needs root rights.
Use "sudo crontab -e" or "sudo nano /etc/rc.local" for autostart
- Thermostat
- Shutter
- Config: shutterdown, shutterup
- Config: ICALLINK
ATmega / Sensor Status
Statistics RRD
Live Graph
Floorplan Demo with example Window / Door / Movement areas
Remote Switch HTTP
Seperate config file: config.py
Webserver Config Page
Headless WIFI Setup (accessible over settings slide)
All vars from eg_object (core/peripherals.py) are accessible.
- HTTP Server
http://ipshpi:port/?relay1 -> relay1:1;
http://ipshpi:port/?relay2 -> relay2:0;
http://ipshpi:port/?relay1=1 -> relay1:1;relay1>1; SETS relay1 !
http://ipshpi:port/?led=255,255,255 -> led>['255', '255', '255']; SETS RGB LED
- MQTT Client - start with START_MQTT_CLIENT = True in config.py
published channels: atmega_volt, d13, hwb, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a7, atmega_temp, vent_rpm, vent_pwm, atmega_ram, buzzer, relay1current, mlxamb, mlxobj, bmp280_temp, pressure, lightlevel, sht_temp, humidity, motion, set_temp, backlight_level, gputemp, cputemp, act_temp, useddisk, load, freespace, wifistrength, ipaddress, led_red, led_green, led_blue, ssid, uhrzeit, relay1, relay2, relay3, lastmotion, max_backlight, usertext, usertextshow, alert
subscribed channels for remote control of SHPI (set/): relay1, relay2, relay3, buzzer, d13, alert, max_backlight, set_temp, vent_pwm, led
USE: ON | OFF for relay1, relay2, relay3,buzzer d13, alert
USE: 1 .. 31 for max_backlight
USE: 0.0 .. 88.5 for set_temp
USE: 0 .. 255 for vent_pwm
USE: 255,255,255 for led
Apple Home Kit (testing)
Config Files for Openhab, Loxone, FHEM, IP Symcon
Bluetooth Sensor Broadcasting ?
Mail, SMS, WhatsApp, HTTP
Display with Touchdriver (touchdriver.py in other demos for Desktop)
ATmega 32u4 I2C Firmware
CULFW Implementation for CC1101
Backlight Control
Reduce Power consumption: GPIO Drive Strength, disable HDMI
Xiaomi Bluetooth Sensors