This is a small web app that indexes recipes that could help you cooking on a budget.
Once you have cloned the Repo run the following command
bundle install
this will install all the needed gems from the Gemfile
Run the command middle man serve to create a test server that will run the code so you can see the changes
There is an example file for the structure of the recipes located in the folder: 'source/recipes/example-recipe.html.erb.'
The only thing that needs to be edited is the Frontmatter
thats the bit between the two sets of ( '---' ).
Something to consider with the images is they need be to a maximum of 400px X 400px; as this will help keep the layout on the page consistent.
The Images need to be saved in 'source/images/FOO.jpg' replace "FOO" with the name of the food.
If you found the recipe online, please provide a link to the original recipe.
*Note If you dont know how to code no problem you can submit a recipe to the form located here and one of the Hackspace Team will enter it on the app.