A command line tool to read or create JWT tokens written in Kotlin.
You can easily create a JWT token :
$ jwtctl create --claim username john.doe --duration PT2H
You can read it :
$ jwtctl read eyJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJpYXQiOjE1MTk0ODc3NzYsImV4cCI6MTUxOTQ5NDk3NiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJqb2huLmRvZSJ9.
{iat=1519487776, exp=1519494976, username=john.doe}
You can tap the dedicated repository homebrew-jwtctl to install jwtctl.
Just use the following commands :
brew tap leomillon/jwtctl
brew install jwtctl
ℹ️ Bash / ZSH auto completion will be installed but may not be activated/loaded. Please follow the instructions written during the homebrew installation or jump the the manual installation section.
First step, you have to download the latest release (jwtctl-VERSION.zip
or jwtctl-VERSION.tar
files) on this page.
Once the archive has been uncompressed, you will find the jwtctl
script in the bin
Go into the bin
directory and try the following command to get the global help :
./jwtctl --help
You can source the script jwtctl-completion.bash
in the completion
directory :
source completion/jwtctl-completion.bash
If you want enable it permanently, you will have to load it with your profile. Add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile
or ~/.zshrc
and replace PATH_TO_JWTCTL
with the location of the jwtctl uncompressed folder.
[ -f PATH_TO_JWTCTL/jwtctl-completion.bash ] && source PATH_TO_JWTCTL/bash_completion.d/jwtctl-completion.bash
ℹ️ ZSH users : you may need to add these two lines before the previous one to enable the bash completion :
autoload -U compinit && compinit
autoload -U bashcompinit && bashcompinit
Once the archive has been uncompressed, you will find the jwtctl.bat
script in the bin
Go into the bin
directory and try the following command to get the global help :
jwtctl.bat --help
To get the global help :
$ jwtctl --help
usage: jwtctl [-h] [-v] [--debug] [--version] COMMAND [ARGS]...
tool used to read or create JWT tokens. See more info at https://jwt.io/
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, enable verbose mode
--debug enable debug mode
--version show program version and exit
positional arguments:
COMMAND the command to excecute : [create, read]
ARGS the command args
'jwtctl COMMAND --help' to read about a specific command
To get a specific command help, use the following pattern : jwtctl COMMAND --help
There are two commands :
- create :
jwtctl create --help
- read :
jwtctl read --help
You can always add the --verbose
argument to display headers/body.
Creates a token containing a claim named username
with john.doe
as value. It will be expired in 2 hours from now.
jwtctl create --claim username john.doe --duration PT2H --verbose
Result :
INFO | Verbose mode enabled
INFO | Header : {alg=none}
INFO | Body : {iat=1519491614, exp=1519498814, username=john.doe}
INFO | Generated token until : 2018-02-24T19:00:14Z
Creates a token from a JSON file and add the claim named username
with john.doe
as value.
jwtctl create --claims-file ./claims.json --claim username john.doe --verbose
Result :
INFO | Verbose mode enabled
INFO | Header : {alg=none}
INFO | Body : {iat=1519493118, fileClaimsName=fileClaimsValue, username=john.doe}
INFO | Generated token until : no expiration date
Creates a token containing a claim named username
with john.doe
as value. It will be signed with an HMAC algorithm and a base 64 encoded secret.
jwtctl create --claim username john.doe --hmac-sign HS512 mysecret --verbose
Result :
INFO | Verbose mode enabled
INFO | Header : {alg=HS512}
INFO | Body : {iat=1519491764, username=john.doe}
INFO | Generated token until : no expiration date
Creates a token containing a claim named username
with john.doe
as value. It will be signed with an RSA algorithm and a private key (PEM
jwtctl create --claim username john.doe --rsa-sign RS512 ./private_key_1.pem --verbose
Result :
INFO | Verbose mode enabled
Enter password (./private_key_1.pem) :
INFO | Header : {alg=RS512}
INFO | Body : {iat=1519492016, username=john.doe}
INFO | Generated token until : no expiration date
If your private key is encrypted, you will be asked interactively to provide the password. If you want to give it as a command argument, just use --password PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD
You can always add the --json
argument to display the body result as valid json.
Read a simple JWT (no signature, no expiration date).
jwtctl read eyJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJpYXQiOjE1MTk0OTIzNDEsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiam9obi5kb2UifQ. --verbose
Result :
INFO | Verbose mode enabled
INFO | Header : {alg=none}
INFO | Body : {iat=1519492341, username=john.doe}
INFO | Expired : false
{iat=1519492341, username=john.doe}
Read a JWS providing the secret.
jwtctl read eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1MTk0OTE3NjQsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiam9obi5kb2UifQ.vM9WT8v3Ou0Tb_mVWkYBnf8yH5f8PAajttLpm5ucdANmY-ao_WS3KWDQzng9N8ykORgkYDtIOYauli5mTKxKLw --secret mysecret --verbose
Result :
INFO | Verbose mode enabled
INFO | Header : {alg=HS512}
INFO | Body : {iat=1519491764, username=john.doe}
INFO | Expired : false
{iat=1519491764, username=john.doe}
Read a JWS providing the public key PEM
jwtctl read eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1MTk0OTIwMTYsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiam9obi5kb2UifQ.m-Ujo-2xK2xr8wC2R865kxlgU4UwL5tzha8yg8Eg-AdGGMti_ImsEe3MB19q7snPEYQkmcz6tRqdgN8oc-dIWyaGeTp7pnEIS2q4BoG_1ucFqqr5Ps7cwyZP-uFbYg_4tn6rtLmQrPLbf3oWoZTvOFu8BBAwkI6rH-9GI_vOQ9879UdA7FCV7l9B0J1KaQEXxkao0jFRywm_GFGWlIRVAa-yMWqQfUeP8V5H68TYw8L0pAhKK94SKV5wZ-UWPuVsCjaYamX1KCl5ECtfrlZfsuco87LrtXj9x-RBadAHbADgQFTChTEj-uN4q5a00IwZkiTHCdT9issnZWTxJIKjeg --public-key-file ./public_key_1.pem --verbose
Result :
INFO | Verbose mode enabled
INFO | Header : {alg=RS512}
INFO | Body : {iat=1519492016, username=john.doe}
INFO | Expired : false
{iat=1519492016, username=john.doe}
Read a JWS ignoring signature and expiration.
jwtctl read eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1MTk0OTI4MzIsImV4cCI6MTUxOTQ5MjgzMywidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJqb2huLmRvZSJ9.K36uHGG7okpKVXOgI6V_m6nzvjFrUD47OUAtuNq_EcjNgNybTvhbtnaM6Sr2uf34b6cuLCN7fADF_CllZTp5XA --ignore-signature --ignore-expiration --verbose
Result :
INFO | Verbose mode enabled
INFO | Header : {alg=HS512}
INFO | Body : {iat=1519492832, exp=1519492833, username=john.doe}
INFO | Expired : true
WARN | !!! Token signature has been ignored !!!
{iat=1519492832, exp=1519492833, username=john.doe}