Open root folder(basic-social-media)
Copy respective client and server .env.template to .env
cp client/.env.template client/.env cp server/.env.template server/.env
Install dependencies
$ yarn install
Run the following command in root folder
$ yarn run server-dev
$ yarn run client-dev
- Seed data with friends
yarn run seed-data
- Seed data without friends
yarn run seed-without-friends
- Included BasicSocialMedia.postman_collection.json, which can be imported into postman
- Frontend demo tests are in place, need configuration for mocha to search test files as desired
- Backend demo tests are in place, need .env configuration
- Create client folder and initialize a Vue Project
- Setup loading & error store
- Create server folder and npm initialize
- Install required dependencies, sequelize, pg, pg-hstore, moment, lodash
- Create DB Connection
- Create schema for users
- Create symmetric Many-to-Many Relationship with users
- Create routes to get all users, get friends of user, addFriend, removeFriend
- Design and create routes for listing friends, friend details, map friends
- Create Listing Page to list all friends
- Create detail page on click of a profile
- Show friends of detail page, show friends of friends,
- Create a dashboard to add friends, delete friends & add user.