Deep metric learning (DML) learns a generalizable embedding space of a dataset, where semantically similar samples are mapped closer. Recently, the record-breaking methodologies have been generally evolving from pairwise-based approaches to proxy-based approaches. However, many recent works begin to achieve only marginal improvements on the classical datasets. Thus, the explanation approaches of DML are in need for understanding why the trained model can confuse the dissimilar samples?.
The question motivates us to design an influence function based explanation framework to investigate the existing datasets, consisting of:
- Scalable training-sample attribution:
- We propose empirical influence function to identify what training samples contribute to the generalization errors, and quantify how much contribution they make to the errors.
- Dataset relabelling recommendation:
- We further aim to identify the potentially ``buggy'' training samples with mistaken labels and generate their relabelling recommendation.
- Step 1: Install torch, torchvision compatible with your CUDA, see here:
- Step 2: Install faiss compatible with your CUDA, see here:
- Step 3:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Put them under mnt/datasets/
- We follow the train-test split provided by the original datasets
- We use the same hyperparameters specified in Proxy-NCA++, except for In-Shop we reduce the batch size to 32*3 due to the limit of our GPU resources.
|__ config/: training config json files
|__ dataset/: define dataloader
|__ mnt/datasets/
|__ CARS_196/
|__ CUB200_2011/
|__ inshop/
|__ evaluation/: evaluation script for recall@k, NMI etc.
|__ experiments/: scripts for experiments
|__ Influence_function/: implementation of IF and EIF
|__ normal training script
|__ noisy data trianing script
|__ re-weighted training script
- Training the original models
- Training the DML models with Proxy-NCA++ loss or with SoftTriple loss
python --dataset [cub|cars|inshop] \
--loss-type ProxyNCA_prob_orig \
--seed [0|1|2|3|4] \
--config [config/cub_ProxyNCA_prob_orig.json|config/cars_ProxyNCA_prob_orig.json|config/inshop_ProxyNCA_prob_orig.json]
python --dataset [cub|cars|inshop] \
--loss-type SoftTriple \
--seed [0|1|2|3|4] \
--config [config/cub_SoftTriple.json|config/cars_SoftTriple.json|config/inshop_SoftTriple.json]
- Training the models with mislabelled data
- Training the DML models with Proxy-NCA++ loss or with SoftTriple loss
python --dataset [cub_noisy|cars_noisy|inshop_noisy] \
--loss-type ProxyNCA_prob_orig_noisy_0.1 \
--seed [0|1|2|3|4] \
--mislabel_percentage 0.1 \
--config [config/cub_ProxyNCA_prob_orig.json|config/cars_ProxyNCA_prob_orig.json|config/inshop_ProxyNCA_prob_orig.json]
python --dataset [cub_noisy|cars_noisy|inshop_noisy] \
--loss-type SoftTriple_noisy_0.1 \
--seed [0|1|2|3|4] \
--mislabel_percentage 0.1 \
--config [config/cub_SoftTriple.json|config/cars_SoftTriple.json|config/inshop_SoftTriple.json]
DML training experiment (Table 1): comparing or
See experiments/, experiments/, experiments/, experiments/
Mislabelled detection experiment
See experiments/
Field study
See experiments/
- All trained models:
- For the detailed statistics of Table 1, please see
title={Debugging and Explaining Metric Learning Approaches: An Influence Function Based Perspective},
author={Liu, Ruofan and Lin, Yun and Yang, Xianglin and Dong, Jin Song},
journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
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