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chore(colors): auto update colorschemes list
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linrongbin16 authored and github-actions[bot] committed Dec 9, 2024
1 parent 55e06cc commit 1f8c0eb
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Showing 6 changed files with 587 additions and 587 deletions.
82 changes: 41 additions & 41 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
ColorSchemes List (58)

- [folke/tokyonight.nvim]( (stars: 6400, last update: 2024-11-19)
- [folke/tokyonight.nvim]( (stars: 6500, last update: 2024-12-07)
- tokyonight
- tokyonight-day
- tokyonight-moon
- tokyonight-night
- tokyonight-storm
- [catppuccin/nvim]( (stars: 5600, last update: 2024-11-24)
- [catppuccin/nvim]( (stars: 5700, last update: 2024-11-24)
- catppuccin
- catppuccin-frappe
- catppuccin-latte
- catppuccin-macchiato
- catppuccin-mocha
- [rebelot/kanagawa.nvim]( (stars: 4300, last update: 2024-11-07)
- [rebelot/kanagawa.nvim]( (stars: 4400, last update: 2024-11-07)
- kanagawa
- kanagawa-dragon
- kanagawa-lotus
Expand All @@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ ColorSchemes List (58)
- nightfox
- nordfox
- terafox
- [sainnhe/everforest]( (stars: 2900, last update: 2024-11-25)
- [sainnhe/everforest]( (stars: 3000, last update: 2024-11-25)
- everforest
- [nlknguyen/papercolor-theme]( (stars: 2722, last update: 2024-03-12)
- [nlknguyen/papercolor-theme]( (stars: 2725, last update: 2024-03-12)
- PaperColor
- [rose-pine/neovim]( (stars: 2300, last update: 2024-10-23)
- [rose-pine/neovim]( (stars: 2400, last update: 2024-10-23)
- rose-pine
- rose-pine-dawn
- rose-pine-main
- rose-pine-moon
- [cocopon/iceberg.vim]( (stars: 2229, last update: 2024-06-19)
- [cocopon/iceberg.vim]( (stars: 2232, last update: 2024-06-19)
- iceberg
- [projekt0n/github-nvim-theme]( (stars: 2100, last update: 2024-09-24)
- github_dark
Expand All @@ -50,71 +50,71 @@ ColorSchemes List (58)
- github_light_default
- github_light_high_contrast
- github_light_tritanopia
- [rakr/vim-one]( (stars: 1995, last update: 2020-12-14)
- one
- [sainnhe/gruvbox-material]( (stars: 1900, last update: 2024-11-18)
- [sainnhe/gruvbox-material]( (stars: 2000, last update: 2024-11-18)
- gruvbox-material
- [ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim]( (stars: 1900, last update: 2024-11-24)
- [ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim]( (stars: 2000, last update: 2024-11-24)
- gruvbox
- [ayu-theme/ayu-vim]( (stars: 1702, last update: 2024-07-15)
- [rakr/vim-one]( (stars: 1996, last update: 2020-12-14)
- one
- [ayu-theme/ayu-vim]( (stars: 1707, last update: 2024-07-15)
- ayu
- [sainnhe/sonokai]( (stars: 1700, last update: 2024-11-25)
- sonokai
- [junegunn/seoul256.vim]( (stars: 1656, last update: 2023-05-03)
- [junegunn/seoul256.vim]( (stars: 1657, last update: 2023-05-03)
- seoul256
- seoul256-light
- [navarasu/onedark.nvim]( (stars: 1600, last update: 2024-11-09)
- onedark
- [ku1ik/vim-monokai]( (stars: 1437, last update: 2022-02-09)
- [ku1ik/vim-monokai]( (stars: 1438, last update: 2022-02-09)
- monokai
- [dracula/vim]( (stars: 1300, last update: 2024-07-21)
- dracula
- [whatyouhide/vim-gotham]( (stars: 1261, last update: 2023-01-19)
- [whatyouhide/vim-gotham]( (stars: 1259, last update: 2023-01-19)
- gotham
- gotham256
- [sjl/badwolf]( (stars: 1254, last update: 2024-05-23)
- [sjl/badwolf]( (stars: 1256, last update: 2024-05-23)
- badwolf
- goodwolf
- [nyoom-engineering/oxocarbon.nvim]( (stars: 1200, last update: 2024-08-28)
- oxocarbon
- [jacoborus/tender.vim]( (stars: 1148, last update: 2024-09-06)
- [jacoborus/tender.vim]( (stars: 1150, last update: 2024-09-06)
- tender
- [mhartington/oceanic-next]( (stars: 1100, last update: 2023-05-01)
- OceanicNext
- OceanicNextLight
- [lifepillar/vim-solarized8]( (stars: 1014, last update: 2024-05-21)
- [lifepillar/vim-solarized8]( (stars: 1012, last update: 2024-05-21)
- solarized8
- solarized8_flat
- solarized8_high
- solarized8_low
- [marko-cerovac/material.nvim]( (stars: 994, last update: 2024-11-20)
- [marko-cerovac/material.nvim]( (stars: 999, last update: 2024-11-20)
- material
- material-darker
- material-deep-ocean
- material-lighter
- material-oceanic
- material-palenight
- [tomasiser/vim-code-dark]( (stars: 956, last update: 2024-05-21)
- [tomasiser/vim-code-dark]( (stars: 958, last update: 2024-05-21)
- codedark
- [sainnhe/edge]( (stars: 894, last update: 2024-11-25)
- [sainnhe/edge]( (stars: 902, last update: 2024-11-25)
- edge
- [romainl/apprentice]( (stars: 893, last update: 2024-07-30)
- apprentice
- [jnurmine/zenburn]( (stars: 891, last update: 2022-08-08)
- zenburn
- [bluz71/vim-moonfly-colors]( (stars: 873, last update: 2024-11-14)
- [bluz71/vim-moonfly-colors]( (stars: 882, last update: 2024-12-08)
- moonfly
- [shaunsingh/nord.nvim]( (stars: 849, last update: 2023-12-20)
- [shaunsingh/nord.nvim]( (stars: 858, last update: 2023-12-20)
- nord
- [srcery-colors/srcery-vim]( (stars: 830, last update: 2024-09-18)
- srcery
- [bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors]( (stars: 822, last update: 2024-11-14)
- [bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors]( (stars: 829, last update: 2024-12-08)
- nightfly
- [pineapplegiant/spaceduck]( (stars: 816, last update: 2022-02-21)
- spaceduck
- [raphamorim/lucario]( (stars: 807, last update: 2024-11-08)
- [raphamorim/lucario]( (stars: 808, last update: 2024-11-08)
- lucario
- [ajmwagar/vim-deus]( (stars: 776, last update: 2021-03-28)
- [ajmwagar/vim-deus]( (stars: 777, last update: 2021-03-28)
- deus
- [zenbones-theme/zenbones.nvim]( (stars: 772, last update: 2024-10-03)
- duckbones
Expand All @@ -130,17 +130,17 @@ ColorSchemes List (58)
- zenbones
- zenburned
- zenwritten
- [scottmckendry/cyberdream.nvim]( (stars: 735, last update: 2024-11-25)
- [scottmckendry/cyberdream.nvim]( (stars: 759, last update: 2024-11-25)
- cyberdream
- [fenetikm/falcon]( (stars: 727, last update: 2024-11-28)
- [fenetikm/falcon]( (stars: 737, last update: 2024-12-02)
- falcon
- [alexvzyl/nordic.nvim]( (stars: 725, last update: 2024-09-24)
- [alexvzyl/nordic.nvim]( (stars: 736, last update: 2024-09-24)
- nordic
- [savq/melange-nvim]( (stars: 724, last update: 2024-11-29)
- [savq/melange-nvim]( (stars: 733, last update: 2024-11-29)
- melange
- [mofiqul/vscode.nvim]( (stars: 717, last update: 2024-11-11)
- [mofiqul/vscode.nvim]( (stars: 722, last update: 2024-11-11)
- vscode
- [craftzdog/solarized-osaka.nvim]( (stars: 715, last update: 2024-11-25)
- [craftzdog/solarized-osaka.nvim]( (stars: 721, last update: 2024-11-25)
- solarized-osaka
- solarized-osaka-day
- solarized-osaka-moon
Expand All @@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ ColorSchemes List (58)
- [tjdevries/colorbuddy.nvim]( (stars: 671, last update: 2024-05-08)
- colorbuddy
- gruvbuddy
- [embark-theme/vim]( (stars: 661, last update: 2024-09-21)
- [embark-theme/vim]( (stars: 662, last update: 2024-09-21)
- embark
- [drewtempelmeyer/palenight.vim]( (stars: 659, last update: 2023-04-27)
- [drewtempelmeyer/palenight.vim]( (stars: 658, last update: 2023-04-27)
- palenight
- [lunacookies/vim-colors-xcode]( (stars: 608, last update: 2024-10-25)
- xcode
Expand All @@ -161,13 +161,13 @@ ColorSchemes List (58)
- xcodelight
- xcodelighthc
- xcodewwdc
- [preservim/vim-colors-pencil]( (stars: 606, last update: 2022-05-07)
- [preservim/vim-colors-pencil]( (stars: 607, last update: 2022-05-07)
- pencil
- [liuchengxu/space-vim-dark]( (stars: 600, last update: 2023-11-04)
- [liuchengxu/space-vim-dark]( (stars: 599, last update: 2023-11-04)
- space-vim-dark
- [challenger-deep-theme/vim]( (stars: 595, last update: 2022-04-25)
- [challenger-deep-theme/vim]( (stars: 597, last update: 2022-04-25)
- challenger_deep
- [wadackel/vim-dogrun]( (stars: 571, last update: 2024-08-25)
- [wadackel/vim-dogrun]( (stars: 573, last update: 2024-08-25)
- dogrun
- [kristijanhusak/vim-hybrid-material]( (stars: 547, last update: 2020-06-16)
- hybrid_material
Expand All @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ ColorSchemes List (58)
- gruvbox8
- gruvbox8_hard
- gruvbox8_soft
- [rmehri01/onenord.nvim]( (stars: 527, last update: 2024-09-21)
- [rmehri01/onenord.nvim]( (stars: 528, last update: 2024-09-21)
- onenord
- onenord-light
- [jaredgorski/spacecamp]( (stars: 523, last update: 2023-08-25)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ ColorSchemes List (58)
- base16-xcode-dusk
- base16-zenbones
- base16-zenburn
- [rigellute/rigel]( (stars: 513, last update: 2024-01-11)
- [rigellute/rigel]( (stars: 512, last update: 2024-01-11)
- rigel
- [haishanh/night-owl.vim]( (stars: 502, last update: 2020-12-25)
- [haishanh/night-owl.vim]( (stars: 503, last update: 2020-12-25)
- night-owl

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