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vityok edited this page Jan 17, 2013 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the de.setf.wilbur wiki!


Installing Wilbur is easy: it is present in the Quicklisp projects registry. Install Wilbur by running:

(ql:quickload "wilbur")

But you will have to install Quicklisp first.


Original Wilbur API documentation is available at the SourceForge project site.

Additional information

Wilbur implements a Query Language (WilburQL) which essentially is a simple API on top of the RDF data manager (in "core-data.lisp"). Much of the functionality is modeled after the BEEF frame system. A description of the WilburQL itself can be found in the following paper:

Sample usage

Lets grab some data from DBPedia:


Wilbur parses RDF/XML graphs from a stream with parse-db-from-stream function and expects that a graph database is stored in a variable wilbur:*db*

(with-open-file (stream #P"Semantic_Web.rdf" :direction :input)
  (setf wilbur:*db*
	(wilbur:parse-db-from-stream stream

Now we can run queries like:

(wilbur:query nil !rdfs:label nil)
(#<TRIPLE !"" !rdfs:label #"Semantisches Web"@de #x18EEC1E6>
 #<TRIPLE !"" !rdfs:label #"시맨틱 웹"@ko #x18EEC2AE>
 #<TRIPLE !"" !rdfs:label #"Sémantický web"@cs #x18EEC366>

The output is not very neat, let's add some prefixes to the dictionary:

(wilbur:add-namespace "resource" "")

Now the query output will be:

(#<TRIPLE !resource:Semantic_Web !rdfs:label #"Semantisches Web"@de #x1867D45E>
 #<TRIPLE !resource:Semantic_Web !rdfs:label #"시맨틱 웹"@ko #x1867D526>
 #<TRIPLE !resource:Semantic_Web !rdfs:label #"Sémantický web"@cs #x1867D5DE>
 #<TRIPLE !resource:Semantic_Web !rdfs:label #"语义网"@zh #x1867D6A6>

See also