Periodically checks the booking site for availability for a local golf course at a desireable tee time. If one is found, sends a text message via AWS pinpoint to a phone number.
Setup and deployment to AWS is done via Serverless.
brew update && brew upgrade pyenv
# Will install correct version of python specified in .python-version
pyenv install
Create the environment
python3 -m venv env
And Activate It
# Bash or ZSH
source env/bin/activate
# or Fish
. env/bin/
Use brew to install node.
Check you node version. The required NPM version is locked to 7.3 in packages.json
Install Serverless Globally
npm install -g serverless
Check the Serverless Version
serverless --version
Install Packages and the Python Requirements Plugin
npm install
sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements
Note if you see an error about an unsupported engine, its because our package.json locks the NPM version to 7.3. Either install that version of NPM or use something like NVM to install the correct version.
In order to use headless chrome on AWS Lambda, we need to configure a layer to include both of the binaries. This will defer on your local system since the binaries will be different.
Unzip or download newer versions:
Download Headless Chrome Download Chrome Driver
Download the Chrome driver that matches the version of Chrome on your local system. Move it to /opt/chromedriver
Sym link your local chrome to the right location.
cd /opt
ln -s headless-chromium "/Applications/Google\\ Chrome"
Golf Scrape Stores Scraping Results in an S3 Bucket named tee-times
aws s3 mb s3://tee-times
sls invoke local --function scrape_times --verbose
Install pytest if it is not already installed.
env PYTHONPATH=. pytest