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Loïc Frering edited this page Oct 8, 2010 · 1 revision


PHP version

LoSoLib needs PHP > 5.3. We particularly recommend the most current release of PHP.


You need a Zend Framework application with Zend/ folder into your include path.

For Doctrine integration, you'll need Doctrine DBAL, Doctrine Common and Doctrine ORM into your include path. You will also need the following Doctrine dependencies: Symfony YAML and Console components.

For Symfony DI container integration you will need Symfony Dependency Injection into your include path.

Here is what you should have in your library directory:

  • library/

    • Doctrine/

      • Common/
      • DBAL/
      • ORM/
    • Symfony/

      • Component/

        • Console/
        • DependencyInjection/
        • Yaml/
    • Zend/


Dwonload LoSoLib from GitHub and put LoSo/ directory into your project library directory or your include path:

  • library/

    • LoSo/


Add the following lines to your application/configs/application.ini file:

autoloaderNamespaces[] = "LoSo_"
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "LoSo"
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Symfony"
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Doctrine"

The first line will allow autoloading for old-fashioned underscored namespaced classes. The other lines will register autoloading for LoSo, Symfony and Doctrine 2 namespaced (PHP 5.3) classes.

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