lolmvc, is meant to be a framework you can wrap your mind around. It's primary purpose is to facilitate learning MVC by doing, but could also make a nice base framework for a real app.
Just shy of it's first release (1.0.0), though fully functional.
- Super Fast
- PHP-FIG PSR Compliant
- Convention over Configuration
- Sematic versioning
- Implements MVC design pattern (fat model)
- Annotation based URL routing (phpdoc tag style)
- Composer use is fully integrated (Composer aware autoloader)
- Intuitive design, intended to be easy to wrap your mind around
- Database agnostic (although we recommend MongoDB, if you need one)
- Run multiple apps within the same framework under different vhosts
- All about choices, choose your own DB, templating engine, etc.
- Write your own services as traits or classes, shared across apps.
- A web-server (nginx recommended)
- PHP 5.4+
Friendly MIT Licensed
www |-framework |- lolmvc | |- model (abstract models and model interfaces) | |- view (default views like json, etc) | |- controller (abstract controller and controller interfaces) | |- service (bundled services, aka helpers or plugins) | |- myapp (your app name/directory correlates to your app's namespace) | |- model (model classes for your controllers) | |- view (your views) | |- controller (your controllers) | |- service (your own services, aka helpers or plugins) | |- webroot ( webserver points to this directory) | |- vendor (composer installed dependencies)
All apps have what is called a front controller. In an lolmvc app, that is the index.php file in your app's webroot directory. Here is an example index.php from myapp/webroot using the directory structure above.
namespace 'Myapp\Controller';
require '../../lolmvc/app.php';
$app = new \Lolmvc\App('myapp');
// use app level config
// $app->useLocalConfig();
First, head on over to and create an account. Then install the client tools: and follow the code below.
# awesome one-liner
rhc app create myapp diy -n mynamespace --from-code=
First head on over to and create an account. Then install the heroku toolbelt: and follow the code below.
# awesome one-liner
heroku create myapp --buildpack
# go to where your webserver serves up it's sites
cd /var/www/
# get lolmvc
git clone [email protected]:lolmvc/framework.git
cd framework
# install composer (if you don't already have it)
curl -s | php
# run composer to install all lolmvc dependencies
php composer.phar install
# make a copy of the *skeleton* app for your app directory
cp skel myapp
For more information, please see the documentation under /doc.
Point your webserver to serve up the webroot directory under your app directory.
You can run multiple apps under the same lolmvc install, which can all consume classes from both lolmvc and your other apps.