After more than a decade of experience as a live sound engineer and production manager for concert venues, I decided to transition to a new career as a software developer. I figured that lockdown was a great opportunity to try something new, so I attended Flatiron School and graduated in May of 2023. I'm looking forward to learning and growing as a software developer in the future. I am currently learning Python while searching for employment.
Representative Lookup and PDF Generator
A live application that allows users to look up their local and state representatives using the Civic Information Google API. When representative information is received, PDFs are generated for the user to download to their phone and utilize to send the PDFs to their representatives.
Ruby on Rails, React, Redux
This app allows users to buy and sell audio gear. Similiar to eBay or Etsy. Users are authenticated, validations exist for all new items, and carts can be modified until the point of purchase.
Ruby on Rails, React
This app was meant to go deeper into my understanding of Ruby on Rails, while also applying useContext to access state from a central location. Also includes validations and authentication for users using bcrypt.
Character Manager FrontEnd Repo Character Manager Backend Repo
This simple app was designed to demonstrate knowledge of Ruby with Sinatra. It allows you to create and manage the levels of D&D characters.
My second app is another Recipe Manager - I guess I really wanted to expand on that idea! This time around, I utilized Semantic UI cards to my home page for a better display and also included the ability to "favorite" a recipe and leave a comment.
This was the first app that I build for a Flatiron project. It uses basic DOM manipulation to show a list of recipes from an included JSON database, and also allows you to add your own recipes to the list. The functionality is very basic, and does not include any validations or the ability to delete recipes without editing the database directly.