A very simple, 100% client-side tasks app that uses localStorage to save the list and Slip.js for reordering. This exists mainly so I can teach myself Coffeescript and better programming in general.
- Completely free (as in beer and in freedom)
- No account required
- Works offline through localStorage and chrome.storage.sync
- 100% client-side
- Easy to use
- Drag and drop to reorder tasks (even works on mobile!)
- Mobile support
Uses Coffeescript and Stylus along with a few other bits and pieces. Have a look in package.json to see what you'll need, and install with npm install.
A Gruntfile with a 'dev' task is available for development.
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
grunt dev
rm -r public/
grunt build
cd public/
grunt connect
Now visit localhost:9001 to see Super Simple Tasks.
All development happens on the 'develop' branch. Master is for main releases only. The server pulls down from GitHub every 10 minutes. There is no compilation on the server so everything must be compiled and minified locally before a release.
- 'master' = supersimpletasks.com
- 'develop' = dev.supersimpletasks.com
So I don't forget :)
- Manifest.json for Chrome Web Store has an updated version number
- app.coffee has an updated version number
- package.json has updated version number
- Delete public/ and run 'grunt build'
- Create a .zip of /public for the Chrome Web Store
- Test .zip in Chrome Apps & Extensions Developer Tool
- Commit and push to develop
- Pull request into master
- For a major release, create a GitHub release and tags with changelog
- Upload .zip file to Chrome Web Store developer dashboard