Current version: 1.0.2
Convert any image-text into audio with a single command line, e. g.:
python input.jpg output.mp3
The project has avaiable these four languages right now!
- Clone the project directory using git clone command:
git clone
- Install the OpenCV library for python using the command below:
pip install opencv-python
- Install the Pillow library using the command below:
pip install Pillow
- Install the python-setuptools using the command below:
sudo apt install python-setuptools
- Install the Tesseract-OCR libraries to continue, just copy the commands below:
sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
sudo apt install libtesseract-dev
- Install the Tesseract for python library using the command below:
pip install pytesseract
- Install the spellcheck libraries, enchant and pyenchant, just use the commands below:
sudo apt install enchant
pip install pyenchant
- Install the text-to-speech API library the gTTS by using the command below:
pip install gTTS
Okay, now you're ready to use this tool!
Input image types suported: JPG and PNG
Output audio type suported: MP3
01/28/2019: Released the version 1.0.2
> Object instance otimization for a better performance;
> Fixed languagePath definition bug;
> Updated the languages JSON files w/ new repository environment;
01/27/2019: Released the version 1.0.1
> Removed unused lines;
> Updated all the project files to use OOP;
> Replaced the file to to test the project;
> Use the Reader class on file to use the project functions inside of your own project;
12/23/2018: Released the version 1.0.0
Last update: July, 22 of 2024.