A subset implementation of PostgREST
You should read PostgREST and PonyORM first.
pip install pony-rest
Edit entities.py
from pony.orm import *
db = Database()
class Person(db.Entity):
name = Required(str)
age = Required(int)
cars = Set('Car')
class Car(db.Entity):
make = Required(str)
model = Required(str)
owner = Required(Person)
python -m pony_rest
or via wsgi:
gunicorn pony_rest
# create new Person
curl -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"name": "foo", "age": 10}' $T/person
# read Person list
curl $T/person
# update Person where id is 1
curl -H 'content-type: application/json' -X PATCH -d '{"age": 10}' "$T/person?id=eq.1"
# delete Person where id is 1
curl -X DELETE "$T/person?id=eq.1"
Install module pyyaml, then create a configure file: database.yaml
in your working directory, likes:
provider: sqlite
filename: ":memory:"
create_db: true
create_tables: true
...and see database.yaml in this repo to find more.
Note: only the first block configurations in yaml file is used for database, you could leave the old configurations in next blocks.