- GCP pipline to autodeploy PHP-Laravel application in GCP erverless computing service.
- Setup autoscalling feature for the orchestration of Docker containers.
docker compose build -t app
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec app ls -l
docker compose exec app rm -rf vendor composer.lock
docker compose exec app composer install
docker compose exec app php artisan key:generate
logsBucket: 'gs://react-electron_logs'
enable all the necessary APIs create a service account and add necessary previlages (by default there will be a service account) create a cloud-build service
enable: Identity and Access Management (IAM) API Manages identity and access control for Google Cloud Platform resources, including the creation of service accounts, which you can use to authenticate to Google and make API calls.
Roles: Cloud Build Approver Cloud Build Approver Cloud Build Connection Admin Cloud Run Admin Logs Bucket Writer Logs Writer Storage Object Admin
Permission to bucket added: Compute Engine default service account Storage Legacy Bucket Owner
Service account permissions in Cloudbuild: Cloud Functions Cloud Functions Developer Cloud Run Cloud Run Admin Secret Manager Secret Manager Secret Accessor Service Accounts Service Account User Cloud Build Cloud Build WorkerPool user